Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Stuff and more stuff

The weekend was kinda busy. We drove around running various errands and trying to find me a Fitness Gazelle Edge. We went to three Academy stores until we finally tracked one down in Grapevine. I've been good (so far) and have done 35mins every morning starting on Sunday. I hope to lose 23lbs (minimum). I would "like" to get back down to the weight I was after I lost my baby weight from having C. Unfortunately, my body took a knock to its metabolism after a bout of anti-depressants when I split with her dad (and other issues) around 2000. Although I was only on them for a few months, they really messed me up and I piled on the pounds when I came off of them. :-( SO, if I could get 33lbs off, I would be VERY happy. However, I think that goal is untouchable right now, so will try for 23lbs and see what happens. I am thinking about taking something to help boost my metabolism. I keep seeing all the stuff advertized on TV to help you lose weight (Hydroxycut etc). I don't know what will happen once I stop taking it though. Will the lost weight come back, or do I have to keep taking them once I start? *sigh*

E had the day off yesterday and we went to see the hospital about paying back the insurance company. If we end up with a couple of thousand at the end of it, we will be lucky. Back to square one on the car front. No car, no money and owing for the Sebring to my parents. GREAT. Thanks Mrs Dodge Grand Caravan for that. :-(

C had her friend Jordan come to stay Saturday night. They had a great time and Jordan is a nice kid. I'm glad that they are going to stay in touch since she moved away. They call each other almost every day, so it's good they can meet up every once in a while.

We got some flowers and a vase from Garden Ridge on Saturday. They are for the master bathroom. I'm not sure if I don't want to snag that vase and use t in the bedroom or not. I dunno. I may see what it looks like with the other flowers! LOL Then I will be back searching for another vase for the bathroom again! *rolls eyes*

The mini blinds arrived on Saturday via Fed Ex. E put most of them up on Sunday and they look great. I am so glad we went with the cream and not the white. Now WHERE is our sectional couch??? Grrrr.

Looks like we will have some neighbors soon. The house that was already finished will close at the end of this month and the one next door that they were bricking yesterday will be closing at the end of April most likely.

C rode the school bus this morning. We thought that we would be too close for her to qualify, but apparently, because of "hazards", she qualifies after all! It's a big relief, because the walk there, really was horrible. NO sidewalks, busy, busy road to get across. *phew*

I have discovered a scrapbooking program on the DIY channel. Oh dear, not good. Now I want to get my scrapbooking stuff out and get busy! LOL

Last night I watched Open Water off TiVO. I felt let down honestly. I really thought the ending would be different from what it turned out to be. I won't spoil it for you in case you haven't seen it. I am a shark freak and thought it would be a good movie. Don't be fooled. Oh well, glad I didn't pay to see it at the movie theater or buy it on DVD which I did consider!

Ok, I have some stuff to sort out.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Ponds, pain and cats

Apparently, the little boy who went missing was found. Thank God I hear you cry. Well the crying part is right. They found him dead in their own back yard floating in their pond. So sad.

I woke up in horrible pain this morning. It reduced me to tears. I really do think that the Ibuprofen and Methacarbamol build up in your system and when you skip a dose or two, your pain levels increase like you would not believe. I guess it's kind of like having to keep it topped up all the time to stay on top of it. E has to get me some more IBP today as I am down to my last few pills and don't even have enough to see me through today. *sigh*

VERY chilly again this morning, although not as windy as yesterday, so felt about the same despite being 6 degrees cooler.

The walk to school was cold and brisk. The walk home was cold and not so brisk. I was approached by a GORGEOUS, plump, well loved, very hairy, grey and white cat. She was gorgeous! She meowed at me to pet her which of course I did, and then proceeded to follow me down the street. Uh oh. Not a good idea. The road I was walking on was busy and had lots of cars and trucks whizzing down it. I needed to cross the street soon and the last thing I needed was a cat getting squished cause it was following me. I knocked on a couple of doors to see if I could find out who she belonged to and nobody knew. Luckily she perched herself on the first house's window sill (where I got zero response) and stayed there after I continued on my way home. It makes me real nervous when I see cats or any pet out on their own around here. Too many coyotes, snakes and hawks to deal with, not to mention the big trucks and cars who have total disregard for ALL things living, human or otherwise! I hope she will be ok.

Now I have started to thaw out some, I am going to see if I can actually get online to publish this! LOL Bye for now!

Thursday, March 23, 2006


Brrrrrrrrr. Is winter finally here? Now I know that some folk reading my blog will laugh when I say it's been a cold 38F this morning here in Texas, but trust me, this time last year, it was HOT! I have a sweater AND a fleece on and then donned my denim jacket to walk C to school this morning. My ears and face are bright red, and I am now waiting for my tea drink to cool down sufficiently enough for me to drink it without taking off a layer of skin from the inside of my mouth and tongue! They say it will be even colder tomorrow morning with an overnight freeze. I guess at least if the mud is frozen solid, it won't get stuck all over my sneakers and smeared up my pants twice a day!

Last night, we saw two helicopters with search lights flying around. This morning, we discovered why: a 5yo boy has gone missing whilst riding his bike with a family friend. My question is, WTF was the family friend doing to LOSE him and where is this "family friend" now? Poeple have been out all night looking for him and knowing how cold it was last night and how apparently lightly dressed he was, he won't be in good shape when they find him. That is of course that he hasn't come to a sticky end by some sick f*cker with a taste for young kids. This sh*t makes my blood run cold everytime I hear about it on the news. I hope he's ok, poor little thing.

Also last night, we had a sales guy come round trying to sell us a water purification system. He did various tests on both our tap water and our filtered fridge water and then through his system. The sludge shown in both of our waters was nasty. The only thing our filtered fridge water seems to be stopping, is the chlorine. Well, if it hadn't of been $5495 to get installed, we may have thought about it more seriously. Even with their finance package, it's out of our reach right now. Oh well, I will just continure to drink our "dirty water".

After having received three phone calls by lunchtime yesterday trying to sell me something or other, I registered all of our cellphones and landline with the do not call register. We've only been here a week and already we are getting the "phone to phone salesmen". It is one of the quickest ways to piss me off is to try and sell me something on the phone. Weare unlisted for a reason, so I would like to know how and why we are getting calls and they are asking for my husband in person! E reckons that SBC have sold our number on to a mailing list. If that is the case, then there are going to be problems. I'm getting PMSy too, so trust me, DO NOT CALL ME TODAY GUYS!

I will try to get some more blog hopping done today if my connection will allow me to. I can't always stay on long enough for the comments to load and publish, but I am around on and off readers! ;-) Bye for now.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Life sucks sometimes!

Feeling kind of frustrated today. It looks like we may be screwed over with the personal injury. We may be forced to pay back to the Medical Insurance company out of my settlement. Basically, they pay nothing for the claim, and we pay for all of it despite having insurance to cover stuff like that. For my pain and suffering and loss of earnings, we will end up with hardly anything and may even be at a loss. HOW is that fair? We have been totally screwed over left right and center with this. So much for us being able to get some debts paid off and me a new car. *SIGH*

Pain meds aren't even touching my neck and back today. I really need to get back into doing my exercises again.

My friend Julie called from the UK yesterday. It was so nice to hear a friendly voice out here. I feel like I am stuck in the middle of nowhere and once more, don't know anyone. *bigger sigh* I'm going to get myself back to doing some kind of work soon and hopefully that will help me meet more people. I feel like a hermit right now. I am going to start off doing some Pampered Chef sales for a while and see how that fits in with things. I think there is money to be made and if I don't try it, I will never know. I think it will be fun!

Ok, I am going to get this published before my horrible connection dies on me. Bye for now all.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Mud, mud, glorious mud....

Mud, mud, glorious mud, there's nothing quite like it for soothing the blood...yeah right. You can keep the mud thank you very much! Yesdterday was a very sticky, icky, muddy day al round. Athough the temperature picked up to low 70's, the ground was still very muddy. By the time I had gotten C from school, we were both up to our armpits in mud. Ok, so maybe not QUITE that bad, but our shoes were laden with the stuff to the point where they were noticebly heavier. I tried to scrape off the worst of it before we got home and then I rinsed off some more in the sink. It was no use, in the washing machine they went. Then I did them on the rack in the dryer on a couple of cool cycles and it did the trick. I can't wait to get another car so that this won't be an issue anymore! *sigh*

We ventured out last night to find me a new pharmacy. I am almost out of my muscle spasm pills and to go without them is not a good idea. I've tried it a couple of times, and it's unbearable. Oh well. The pharmacist seemed nice and was very helpful. They should be ready to collect tonight (providing it's not the redneck, rude nurse dealing with it at our old Dr's of course...

One of our FAVORITE, "can't-wait-until-the-next-episode" shows came back last night after a 4 months break. Yes, our beloved Prison Break was back. WOW! Man I LOVE that show! We also watched Footballers' Wives from Sunday off TiVO. I wish they would get caught up with that show. I have seen all of these episodes already and just want it to get current. *sigh*

I am wondering if I will get a net connection today or not. Yesterday's was slow and painful. I think I will give Earthlink another call and see if they can offer some ideas as to IF they can get us hooked up yet or not. *bigger sigh*

Ok, I have some stuff to do, see y'all later!

Monday, March 20, 2006

Back again

It was a very wet weekend here in Ft Worth. All of the old farts who complained about the lack of rain should be somewhat placated now! Some areas have experienced flash flooding and we had a truck go off the road and end up stuck head first in a ditch! But I can almost guarentee it hasn't helped our water shortage any and by this time next week, we will be back on grass fire alerts and all being told to conserve water. *sigh*

C started at her new school this morning. It is only a 9min walk away, but when there are no sidewalks and all the ground is wet and muddy, it is not a fun journey. Just as we crossed the street to get to her school, a school bus sprayed her with muddy rain water. What a great start to her first day. Luckily, she managed to avoid most of it and what did get her had dried off by the time the paperwork was all completed.

Yesterday we went to a different Walmart to do some grocery shopping. It is a bit further away, but has less of a ghetto feel to it.The one just down the street from here has a cop posted 24/7 inside and we all felt very uneasy on the two occasions we shopped there. It is a fairly decent sized store, but everything is spread out so they really don't have too much stuff there at all! The one further away is better stocked and will probably be "our" store from now on. Only when we feel like a thrill seeking adventure will we go to the "ghetto store".

TSS never changes. She called on Saturday bitching about when we would be taking the kids and then started bitching that she didn't want to drive all the way to Ft Worth. The deal was that one of us does one trip and she does the other, not US doing ALL the driving so she can go stick sh*t up her nostrils all weekend! If she wants us to have the kids all weekend, then she has to do some of the driving like before. It's not that much farther than when we were in the apartment, so I don't see what her problem is. She will be getting a totally kid free weekend for the sake of a 30-40min drive! I guess she doesn't mind us not having them at all then, cause we are NOT doing all the schlepping around. This has to be 50/50 or nothing!

We have a company coming over at lunchtime today to quote on built in desks for the office. I fear it's going to be too expensive, but we will see what they come back with anyways. I like the idea of it all being matching and looking flush with the space we have. Our current desks don't match and look weird side by side. Watch this space for updates.

Still not sure what is happening with the DSL stuff. We spoke to Earthlink who said that SBC was not allowing access to their systems, so THEY couldn't hook us up. SBC (AT&T) said that they didn't have an office near us so no connection could be had for DSL, yet we had a call saying there WAS an office near us, it just wasn't connected up yet and couldn't say when that would happen either. So right now, we are still living in limbo and hoping a neighbor will come online so we can get stuff done. Not looking good so far. *sigh* Oh well, I will blog in notepad ready to copy and paste as and when we get a connection. Bye for now.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Home, sweet, home!

FINALLY managed to get a net connection! *sigh*

Move went VERY smoothly. The Firehouse Movers took a TOTAL of 4 hours to move our overt stuffed 2 bedroom apartment 45miles away and unload it all. They were VERY professional, polite and I would thoroughly recommend them to anyone needing an affordable move!

Satellite went in on Tuesday as did the phone. The phoneline went in but was not working until Weds due to the fact that "someone" working further down the street had cut through the cabel and screwed up the line. We have had to have a temporary line put in that is running across the back yard and under the fence. Nice.

Our box spring and mattress came in good time although the mattress had some bad black marks on it. They assured me we could use this one until Thursday when they could get a new one out to us. Thursday rolls around and we wait and wait and wait. I caled them at lunchtime to see what was happening and it wasn't on their delivery schedule! *sigh* The manager offered to deliver it today for me and is refunding the $60 delivery fee. Hey, that works for me! LOL

Yesterday, C and I did the walk to the school. We took a leisurely stroll over there and it took 9mins. Not bad, not bad. Her first class is at 0740 on Monday and she comes out at 1430. What a difference from her old school!

We ordered our mini blinds from Lowe's at last and they should be here in 2 wks. I have put up the voile panel and the valence in our room and it looks fab even if I DO say so myself! Pictures to follow once we have the bedroom furniture delivered and put up!

I have settled on the personal injury payout at last. We did fight the amount the originally offered and it was increased. I was getting tired of fighting with them and I think they pray on that factor too. I'm just glad that we will have the check soon and we can move on from it. I'm still taking the meds for the pain and trying to do my exercises and live as normal a life as possible. Unpacking has hindered that somewhat but I will get into my regimine soon, I promise!

Anyway, gonna get off of here now as it may die on me at any moment. Just wanted to let y'all know I was ok and I will get on when I can. TTFN

BTW, Happy St Patrick's Day!

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Hi Hoooooooo

It's off to the house we go!

Went furniture shopping yesterday and ordered our sectional couch from Penney's. I don't have a picture to show you, but it's going to be "Ceramic Blue" Which is a mixture of denim blue and caramel with a chocolate backing thread. It's kind of difficult to explain it, but it's real pretty. The pillows to go with it will be a triangular patterned fabric with shades of denim blues, caramels, taupes, chocolate etc. I can't wait! It is going to take about 6-8wks to get done. *sigh*

We bought a new mattress and box spring from Sleep Experts in their sale and the box spring was actually free. Free is good right? It's being delivered on Tuesday.

We decided on the bedroom furniture we want, but will wait another week to order it so we have enough cash to get everything in one shipment. They are a fairly new store and not a chain. He can deliver the stuff within 1-2 days of purchase, so not bad. And if we get everything before April 01, even if it has to be restocked, it will still stay at that price! I've checked it out on another furniture place's website and you can see what it looks like HERE. We found it MUCH cheaper at the store we went to, and it looks even better in real life!

Got a gorgeous bed set on sale in Penney's too. You can have a peek at that HERE. You can zoom in real close on this too. Again, it looks much prettier in real life and looks fabbo with the new carpet. (Yes I was smart enough to have a piece of carpet with me to test stuff out!) We got some pale green voile panels for the window, the matching valence to go above the window frame and some pale green sheets with a pretty pleat trim and some cream pleated satiny type throw pillows. I have never spent so much money on a bed set in all my life, but I just HAD to have this and it was VASTLY reduced in the sale and cause we applied for a Penney's card, we got a further 10% off! We ended up saving $285 Woo hoo

Lowe's have made to order mini blinds which will fit our non-standard sized windows and we can get every window done for under $250 total. Not bad when you think that the builder wanted $1300 for mini-blinds! LOL

So today, we will hopefully get a couple of house runs done and move the stuff we don't want the movers to do...like the fish tank (as small as it is) and our PC's etc, more clothing and bedding. Gonna be busy, busy, busy.

Not sure when I will be able to get back on the net again as we won't have DSL for a while. This may be my last blog for a few weeks. Watch this space!

Bye for now all.

Friday, March 10, 2006


At 1408 today, we got the call to say that the title company had a funding number and we could go get our keys. Wooo hoooo, we have a house! Of course we had to go and sit on the floor of our new house just cause we could! LOL

Going shopping for mini-blinds and a new sectional and bedroom set tomorrow! Nite nite!

Is it ever gonna happen?

Yesterday was a very trying day. We finally decided to schedule the final walkthrough at the house OURSELVES. The mortgage company and the broker are complete dumbasses who do NOT communicate. The only people who are making any sense right now, are the title company!

Ok, so we did the walk through and our new appliances look FAB! We then decided to find out exactly where the title company was at and called the mortgage broker who said the paperwork was with the attorney and should be at the title company by 2pm. WHY he didn't call US to tell us that OR call the title company to let them know, we have NO clue! So, I called the title company and advised them that paperwork would be imminent. At 2.18pm, she called me to say they had it in hand and could we go back at 3pm to start signing stuff. I asked what our part of the closing costs were going to be so we could get a cashier's check cut. She thought it would be around $850 which was vastly different from what the mortgage wanker broker had told us. She suggested we get a check for what he said just in case and she could cut us a check for the difference if necessary. *sigh*

One cashier's check later and we are waiting at the title company. Man my hand ached so much after signing all of those papers!! But, it was too late for the funding to go through, so we are today playing the waiting game again. Once funding has gone through, we can pick up the keys and the house and it will truly be OURS! The movers have been re-scheduled for Monday, so hopefully it will all go well today.

The insurance company are being a-holes again. This time about my personal injury claim. They are ONLY going to pay out on my medical expenses and loss of earnings and even then, they are short changing us. The REFUSE to pay out for pain and suffering. I guess me being on pain meds ever since the accident and often being in tears with the pain is NOT counted as pain and suffering?! I am not going to go down without a fight on this one, especially when there are folks out there suing for $20million for hotel bed bug bites FFS. They are going to refuse me $5,000 for pain that I may have to put up with for the rest of my life. I don't f*cking think so!

Off to sit by the phone again and pout.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Playing the waiting game

Gotta sit around and wait for a phone call to see IF we will close today or not. VERY frustrating indeed. Just want to get this over and done with. *sigh*

C has gone on a field trip today with her classmates. Kinda glad in a way as it means she can have some fun time with before her last day tomorrow. Then she has Spring Break and a new school to start at the week after.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

The tragedy...

...all of the pots and pans have been packed. I cannot cook until we move and unpack. OH NOOOOOO. Whatever will we do? Hehehe.

Moving melodrama

We SHOULD have been closing TODAY. We SHOULD have been moving TOMORROW. Now we MAY close tomorrow or Friday at worst, and will now move on Monday. *sigh*

Monday, March 06, 2006

Furniture sharks

We SHOULD be closing on Wednesday and moving on Thursday. NOTHING is definite at this point, so don't hold your breath! We have been busy packing stuff all weekend and throwing stuff out. We took a few hours out on Saturday afternoon to go furniture "browsing".

I will NEVER, repeat NEVER spend any of our money at ROOMS TO GO. We WERE going to look around their store in Grapevine on Saturday but after SIX seconds of us entering the store, we were pounced on by a very aggressive saleswoman. We told her from the off "We're just looking, thank you." Not content with that response, she FOLLOWED us around the store continuing to spout out stuff about the sales they had going on at the moment. AGAIN, told her we were just looking. She then responded with "I am just trying to EDUCATE you". Well at that point, I about lost it and she almost ended up being smacked in the mouth. We both said in unison that we did not want or need to be educated and just wanted to be left alone. She continued to spout out shit at which point, we just turned around and said that we would be leaving then. She retorted sarcastically that we could do that and I told her "F*** you lady!" This all happened in the time frame of 30 seconds. WHY can these people just not take the hint that we do not wish to be hounded all around the store?

We then went to JC Penney's where the atmosphere was so much nicer and decided on a really nice sectional couch. See? If "Miss Rooms To Go" had of been more laid back, they might have gotten a sale out of us. Grrrrrr.

Friday, March 03, 2006


Yesterday, after three days working on it, I finally got C's bedroom finished. A total of six tubs full of toys for charity an 17 trash bags! Now she just needs to keep it that way! LOL

It looks like we will be closing NEXT week on the house. Although they have the appraisal, they are still waiting on a "clear to close". Hopefully, that will come through today and it will be 2-3 business days after that, that closing will take place. "Worse case scenario, you're looking at closing on Thurs or Fri". Well I re-scheduled the movers for Thursday, so I need to know today WTF is happening so we can plan the move. Time is running out and it's getting a bit manic round here!

I didn't go to physical therapy last night as E was late back, so I re-scheduled that for tonight instead. We ended up eating out at Red Lobster which was nice and then went to Best Buy to get me a larger hard drive for my broken PC and ended up getting a new printer too. Hopefully tonight or over the weekend, we can get it fixed and up and running again.

I didn't sleep too well last night. Of course being awoken at 4am by a thunderstorm didn't help any. *yawn*.

Ok, I am off to get on with some more packing type BS. Laters...

Thursday, March 02, 2006

I broke it

It's all my fault. I broke it. You may be asking what? My PC. I tried to change the resolution on the monitor and I hit the wrong thing and it went all weird on me. As advised by my husband, I tried to restart in safe mode and it blew something in windows system files and now it's broken. I broke it.

So here I am on the laptop telling y'all about my woes. Hmmm. I broke it.

I spent all day yesterday and most of the early evening sorting out C's bedroom. There must have been at least TWELVE trash bags taken to the dumpster and there are 4 tubs of toys to go to the charity shop. As I could feel my monthly migraine trying to break through, I could only take Excedrin and my muscle relaxant and had to skip the Ibuprofen. I am suffering for it today though and my neck and back feel horrible and achy. I have physical therapy tonight too, so that's going to be a barrel of laughs!

Ok, I have stuff to do. Laters alligators!