Monday, May 22, 2006

A Sad Day

I feel sick to my stomach. My puppy Lily is dead. The breeder called me about an hour ago to say the mom must have sat on her as she went in to check on them and feed them and her neck was broken. We are still going to go to San Antonio as planned and look at two other puppies that may or may not be suitable. I'm not saying for definite one way or another whether we will get either of them, but I do favor one more over the other. I don't want to get one for the sake of getting one either. If neither are right for us, we will wait for another litter. I feel so low right now.


Blogger Mo said...

Oh hun, I'm so sorry about this. This is just horrible news. You'll be in my thoughts.

23 May, 2006 14:28  
Blogger Kim -today's creative blog said...

that's so sad. I hope one of the other puppies captures your heart.
What kind was she?

24 May, 2006 19:25  
Blogger C. H. Green said...

Sorry to hear about this...maybe there's another one that needs you more. You'll find the right one I'm sure. You seem like you have lots of love to share. Happy belated birthday.

26 May, 2006 20:14  
Blogger DenimRose said...

Mo - thanks hun. I cried for days afterwards. I know I am being silly cause I never got to meet her, but it still really upset me.

Kim - thanks for visiting and your kind words. She was a Staffordshire Bull Terrier.

CHG - thanks so much for popping by. I appreciate your thoughts and wishes on everything - birthday and puppy.

28 May, 2006 19:59  

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