Friday, March 10, 2006

Is it ever gonna happen?

Yesterday was a very trying day. We finally decided to schedule the final walkthrough at the house OURSELVES. The mortgage company and the broker are complete dumbasses who do NOT communicate. The only people who are making any sense right now, are the title company!

Ok, so we did the walk through and our new appliances look FAB! We then decided to find out exactly where the title company was at and called the mortgage broker who said the paperwork was with the attorney and should be at the title company by 2pm. WHY he didn't call US to tell us that OR call the title company to let them know, we have NO clue! So, I called the title company and advised them that paperwork would be imminent. At 2.18pm, she called me to say they had it in hand and could we go back at 3pm to start signing stuff. I asked what our part of the closing costs were going to be so we could get a cashier's check cut. She thought it would be around $850 which was vastly different from what the mortgage wanker broker had told us. She suggested we get a check for what he said just in case and she could cut us a check for the difference if necessary. *sigh*

One cashier's check later and we are waiting at the title company. Man my hand ached so much after signing all of those papers!! But, it was too late for the funding to go through, so we are today playing the waiting game again. Once funding has gone through, we can pick up the keys and the house and it will truly be OURS! The movers have been re-scheduled for Monday, so hopefully it will all go well today.

The insurance company are being a-holes again. This time about my personal injury claim. They are ONLY going to pay out on my medical expenses and loss of earnings and even then, they are short changing us. The REFUSE to pay out for pain and suffering. I guess me being on pain meds ever since the accident and often being in tears with the pain is NOT counted as pain and suffering?! I am not going to go down without a fight on this one, especially when there are folks out there suing for $20million for hotel bed bug bites FFS. They are going to refuse me $5,000 for pain that I may have to put up with for the rest of my life. I don't f*cking think so!

Off to sit by the phone again and pout.


Blogger Mo said...

Yea! You closed!

Boo! For the company not giving you P&S. Tell them you are seriously considering getting a lawyer. They may change their minds. They may not give you $5000 but they'll give you something.

10 March, 2006 12:58  
Blogger DenimRose said...

Yeah, finally it happened on Friday afternoon. Talk about cutting it fine! We move in on Monday! Yippeeee!!

Decided to try and ask for $1000 for pain and suffering. It's not the money, it's the principle that they do NOT recognize I have been and still AM in constant pain the whole time. My neck and back will never be the same again, and I will have to do the exercises given to me by PT daily just to keep on top of things. I have already been told I will have problems for the rest of my life. We're not asking too much are we. Just RECOGNIZE that soft tissue damage DOES cause pain, cause the soft tissue damage involves my BACK and NECK! Sorry, I know it's not your fault. Just sounding off *steps off soap box*

12 March, 2006 05:37  

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