Thursday, March 09, 2006

Playing the waiting game

Gotta sit around and wait for a phone call to see IF we will close today or not. VERY frustrating indeed. Just want to get this over and done with. *sigh*

C has gone on a field trip today with her classmates. Kinda glad in a way as it means she can have some fun time with before her last day tomorrow. Then she has Spring Break and a new school to start at the week after.


Blogger Mo said...

Good luck! I hope you get closed soon!

09 March, 2006 07:41  
Blogger DenimRose said...

Thanks Mo, me too! I HATE all this not knowing BS. It's driving us both nutso!

09 March, 2006 08:22  
Blogger LDR said...

Next post I read should be about the closing... right?!? WTF! From date of offer to closing for me took less than 3 weeks. Are you working with Mortgage Monkey's on this deal or what?!? Yikes! Sounds to me that they're stringing you along in hopes that the lock on your rate will expire and the rates will go up... what's up with that?! Ok... so I'm sending good vibes your way so that you close and move into your new home ASAP... and send me your address so I can send housewarming!

10 March, 2006 00:12  
Blogger DenimRose said...

Paper work signed...again waiting on a call Kel! Just needs that funding to be done...*sigh*

The rate was locked in already, so they cannot change that at least and they stood by their word at signing y'day.

I think this has been a nightmare honestly, and we won't use that broker again nor get another VA loan. Military anal BS *mutter mutter, grumble grumble*

10 March, 2006 10:45  

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