Friday, March 24, 2006

Ponds, pain and cats

Apparently, the little boy who went missing was found. Thank God I hear you cry. Well the crying part is right. They found him dead in their own back yard floating in their pond. So sad.

I woke up in horrible pain this morning. It reduced me to tears. I really do think that the Ibuprofen and Methacarbamol build up in your system and when you skip a dose or two, your pain levels increase like you would not believe. I guess it's kind of like having to keep it topped up all the time to stay on top of it. E has to get me some more IBP today as I am down to my last few pills and don't even have enough to see me through today. *sigh*

VERY chilly again this morning, although not as windy as yesterday, so felt about the same despite being 6 degrees cooler.

The walk to school was cold and brisk. The walk home was cold and not so brisk. I was approached by a GORGEOUS, plump, well loved, very hairy, grey and white cat. She was gorgeous! She meowed at me to pet her which of course I did, and then proceeded to follow me down the street. Uh oh. Not a good idea. The road I was walking on was busy and had lots of cars and trucks whizzing down it. I needed to cross the street soon and the last thing I needed was a cat getting squished cause it was following me. I knocked on a couple of doors to see if I could find out who she belonged to and nobody knew. Luckily she perched herself on the first house's window sill (where I got zero response) and stayed there after I continued on my way home. It makes me real nervous when I see cats or any pet out on their own around here. Too many coyotes, snakes and hawks to deal with, not to mention the big trucks and cars who have total disregard for ALL things living, human or otherwise! I hope she will be ok.

Now I have started to thaw out some, I am going to see if I can actually get online to publish this! LOL Bye for now!


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