Friday, March 03, 2006


Yesterday, after three days working on it, I finally got C's bedroom finished. A total of six tubs full of toys for charity an 17 trash bags! Now she just needs to keep it that way! LOL

It looks like we will be closing NEXT week on the house. Although they have the appraisal, they are still waiting on a "clear to close". Hopefully, that will come through today and it will be 2-3 business days after that, that closing will take place. "Worse case scenario, you're looking at closing on Thurs or Fri". Well I re-scheduled the movers for Thursday, so I need to know today WTF is happening so we can plan the move. Time is running out and it's getting a bit manic round here!

I didn't go to physical therapy last night as E was late back, so I re-scheduled that for tonight instead. We ended up eating out at Red Lobster which was nice and then went to Best Buy to get me a larger hard drive for my broken PC and ended up getting a new printer too. Hopefully tonight or over the weekend, we can get it fixed and up and running again.

I didn't sleep too well last night. Of course being awoken at 4am by a thunderstorm didn't help any. *yawn*.

Ok, I am off to get on with some more packing type BS. Laters...


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