Thursday, March 02, 2006

I broke it

It's all my fault. I broke it. You may be asking what? My PC. I tried to change the resolution on the monitor and I hit the wrong thing and it went all weird on me. As advised by my husband, I tried to restart in safe mode and it blew something in windows system files and now it's broken. I broke it.

So here I am on the laptop telling y'all about my woes. Hmmm. I broke it.

I spent all day yesterday and most of the early evening sorting out C's bedroom. There must have been at least TWELVE trash bags taken to the dumpster and there are 4 tubs of toys to go to the charity shop. As I could feel my monthly migraine trying to break through, I could only take Excedrin and my muscle relaxant and had to skip the Ibuprofen. I am suffering for it today though and my neck and back feel horrible and achy. I have physical therapy tonight too, so that's going to be a barrel of laughs!

Ok, I have stuff to do. Laters alligators!


Blogger LDR said...

Ok, so you are MOST DEFINITELY going to have camera in hand when the movers are doing their job, right?!? I mean, c'mon... this is certainly fodder for beefcake photos, isn't it? I'm psyched for you to get into your new home... your own home... where you can paint the rooms any color you want and put a hole whereever you want! Yay! Be sure to send address when you get settled & I'll send you a housewarming doodad!

02 March, 2006 10:54  

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