Sunday, May 28, 2006

A dollop of Daisy?

San Antonio was a nice getaway. It was only a couple of days, but the change of scenary and chilling out was good. The drive down was a bit frustrating trying to get through Austin, but other than that, it was pretty much cruise control 65-70 most of the way!

Saturday morning we got up early and had a good breakfast at the hotel. We then headed off to downtown San Antonio. We got parked up in the multi-storey there and thank God we left when we did, cause it was filling up fast, even at that time!

We walked around to the Alamo and did the tourist thing there. Quite an eerie feel to the place when you think about all the men, women and children that died there and the fact that we were there on Memorial Day Weekend too. I figured this was as good a place as any to start learning some of America's history.

The Alamo

We walked along the River Walk and found a British Pub Eric had discovered on the internet and settled on lunch there. I had the most fantastic Bangers n Mash covered with onion gravy with Heinz Baked Beans. Only an ex pat could understand what I went through devouring that meal!! LMAO

Mad Dog's
Some of the decor at Mad Dog's (and yes, that is an ORIGINAL mini, not one of the larger, trendy ones seen driving around today!)

Bangers n Mash
My lunch, complete with Union Jack!

Well, after we were done with the River Walk and River Center, we went to see the breeder and I fell in love with the older puppy. She had the prettiest green eyes I had ever seen! She was pretty scared coming away from her siblings and mom, but she soon got used to us and after the intial shock had worn off, she slept all the way home! We made a brief stop so she could go potty and have a snack and some water, but she wouldn't "go". She held it in all the way home and another hour and a half after we got in! But since then, she has been potty OUTSIDE a lot. In fact, she has done it all outside and no accidents. Maybe there are some advantages of getting a slightly older pup. We initially thought she was ten weeks but then after being told the dates it worked out to be 13 weeks. Then I emailed the breeder and asked if she wss sure about her birthdate and it turned out she had got it mixed up with another batch and it should have been March 05 which makes her TWELVE weeks old today.

She slept in her crate all last night and didn't cry or bark once to come out. She has been a bit picky with her eating today, but I am sure she will settle in a few days.

Here are a few pics of my "dollop of" Daisy, the blue & white Staffordshire Bull Terrier (NOT to be confused with an American Staffordshire or a Pitbull please).

Picnic Rest Area
At the picnic rest area

Patio Pup
On the patio: "He's my daddy!"

Couch Pup-ato
Ok, so I am a couch PUP-ato!

Do you like my bling, bling collar?


Blogger Mo said...

She is just absolutely adorable! Congratulations!

Hubs and I will be headed to San Antonio in a couple of weekends. My little sister and her best friend are flying here on the 7th and staying with us for a week. We're planning a trip to Sea World too.

Great photos! And I'm glad you finally updated!

29 May, 2006 07:16  
Blogger DenimRose said...

Thanks hun!

We would have done Sea world too, but what with paying out for the dog, gas and hotel, funds were tight. Three of us would have been $120 give or take a few bucks. Maybe another time.

It was funny for E to see all the Air Force graduates walking round town. Brought back some memories for him! Bless!

29 May, 2006 11:06  
Blogger LDR said...

Daisy is soooooo cute! Yeesh! I haven't read up on your blog in a while... you made out like a pirate on your b-day, didn't ya? And, I must say the new haircolor is fabulous... compared to your profile pic, looks like you mighta dropped some weight even!?!

So happy to know that the outlaws finally came through and were decent people and that you were able to have a great mothers day, bir-f-day *AND* got a new puppy too.. how much better does it all get?!

I know, I know... some day you'll get those angels... really...

30 May, 2006 23:38  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn. So many good bloggers from Texas. You too?

31 May, 2006 00:07  
Blogger DenimRose said...

K: Howdy stranger, long time, no blog! Yeah the outlaws finally saw the light at the end of the tunnel. I don't know how long it will last cause the emails are shal I say....interferring again. *sigh* Yes, I did lose some wieght. I lost about 7.5lbs, but put some of it back on again. I slipped off my exercise regime and now with the puppy, it's hard trying to squeeze it in first thing.

LBB: Sorry, not typing that out! Thanks for popping by. I've bookmarked your blog for future reference. Tell Myrtle she needs to take the picture from the other side, *doh*

31 May, 2006 05:52  

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