Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Stuff and more stuff

The weekend was kinda busy. We drove around running various errands and trying to find me a Fitness Gazelle Edge. We went to three Academy stores until we finally tracked one down in Grapevine. I've been good (so far) and have done 35mins every morning starting on Sunday. I hope to lose 23lbs (minimum). I would "like" to get back down to the weight I was after I lost my baby weight from having C. Unfortunately, my body took a knock to its metabolism after a bout of anti-depressants when I split with her dad (and other issues) around 2000. Although I was only on them for a few months, they really messed me up and I piled on the pounds when I came off of them. :-( SO, if I could get 33lbs off, I would be VERY happy. However, I think that goal is untouchable right now, so will try for 23lbs and see what happens. I am thinking about taking something to help boost my metabolism. I keep seeing all the stuff advertized on TV to help you lose weight (Hydroxycut etc). I don't know what will happen once I stop taking it though. Will the lost weight come back, or do I have to keep taking them once I start? *sigh*

E had the day off yesterday and we went to see the hospital about paying back the insurance company. If we end up with a couple of thousand at the end of it, we will be lucky. Back to square one on the car front. No car, no money and owing for the Sebring to my parents. GREAT. Thanks Mrs Dodge Grand Caravan for that. :-(

C had her friend Jordan come to stay Saturday night. They had a great time and Jordan is a nice kid. I'm glad that they are going to stay in touch since she moved away. They call each other almost every day, so it's good they can meet up every once in a while.

We got some flowers and a vase from Garden Ridge on Saturday. They are for the master bathroom. I'm not sure if I don't want to snag that vase and use t in the bedroom or not. I dunno. I may see what it looks like with the other flowers! LOL Then I will be back searching for another vase for the bathroom again! *rolls eyes*

The mini blinds arrived on Saturday via Fed Ex. E put most of them up on Sunday and they look great. I am so glad we went with the cream and not the white. Now WHERE is our sectional couch??? Grrrr.

Looks like we will have some neighbors soon. The house that was already finished will close at the end of this month and the one next door that they were bricking yesterday will be closing at the end of April most likely.

C rode the school bus this morning. We thought that we would be too close for her to qualify, but apparently, because of "hazards", she qualifies after all! It's a big relief, because the walk there, really was horrible. NO sidewalks, busy, busy road to get across. *phew*

I have discovered a scrapbooking program on the DIY channel. Oh dear, not good. Now I want to get my scrapbooking stuff out and get busy! LOL

Last night I watched Open Water off TiVO. I felt let down honestly. I really thought the ending would be different from what it turned out to be. I won't spoil it for you in case you haven't seen it. I am a shark freak and thought it would be a good movie. Don't be fooled. Oh well, glad I didn't pay to see it at the movie theater or buy it on DVD which I did consider!

Ok, I have some stuff to sort out.


Blogger Mo said...

A co-worker of mine saw Open Water, and he kinda liked it. However, I will not be watching it. I don't do scary movies of any kind, especially if it involves being stranded out in water around a bunch of sharks. He did tell me how it ended and it seemed pretty sad to me.

29 March, 2006 13:32  
Blogger DenimRose said...

It was a sad ending and not the one I had of hoped for. :-(

17 April, 2006 13:29  

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