Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Don't even go there!

Immigration was a waste of f****** time. Apparently my work permit is sufficient evidence that I am pending and in the system. Well according to the college, it's NOT and they are still insistant on that stupid I797C Notice of Action form. Grrrr. I guess I won't be going to school after all. :-(

Things have been strained again this end with the kids issue. I don't know what to do to make it all right. I can't force them to want to be with me, or to like me, but when they totally disrespect me in my own house, what the f*** am I supposed to do? Just ignore their rudeness? Just ignore it when they are tearing up my home? Just ignore their lack of manners in general and say nothing? WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO?

I KNOW full well that TSS is poisoning them against me. I can't do a damn thing about that. I just hope that in time, they will see I am not this God awful person she has painted me out to be and that in fact SHE is the bad person here. The kids came with dirty, ripped up clothing again this past weekend and the youngest one K didn't even HAVE anything clean to put on the next day after her shower. C gave her some of her old panties to wear, but I drew the line there as whatever was given or lent to her would never be seen again. I asked K what happened to the cute new sandals I bought her about 6 weeks ago and they have been "Lost". Yeah right! More likt TSS resented ME buying her something NICE to wear and threw them out! It irritates the shit out of me that E is paying that bitch $600 a month in child support and the kids are walking round looking like paupers! SHE is living it up smoking, drinking, doing drugs, going to parties and clubs and getting her hair and nails done whilst her own kids look like shit. Ok, I need to shut the f*** up cause it's just irritating me further to write about it. *sigh*

Miss Daisy is enrolled in puppy training classes over at PetSmart. She starts on Saturday. It's an 8 week class and I am hoping it will help a lot. She is very stubborn (as Staffies are) and I want her to actually COME when I call her as opposed just looking at me and flipping me off LOL I'll let you know how we get on with that one!

Work is boring. My boss is a real flake when it comes to almost everything. He is hopeless at remembering stuff and has forgotten to pay me when pay day rolls round.

He sent me on a training class last week, only to tell me 30mins before it was due to start, that I didn't have a confirmed place and could I try to get squeezed in anyway? Grrr. Not only that, but he'd given me the wrong frigging address to go to too! It was actually miles in the opposite direction. It ended up being a total waste of time. I DID get 48cents per mile out of him for the gas and wear and tear on my car though and got to meet E for lunch and go shopping at the mall. Hehehe. Not all bad then I guess!

He went to install Office 2003 on the new PC he got me and he'd LOST the product key! How can you spend hundreds of dollars on software and then LOSE the frigging key for it? He went all around the houses and finally called M$ and got another key from them. Cost him $10, but he got one. *sigh*

He's out of the office today which is why I have some blog time available. Yay! I WAS going to do some promotional letters for him, but seeing as he had NO HEADED PAPER, I couldn't do that either. Everything is on a go slow here. It's like I start this awsome project trying to get this man organized, and it gets stopped in its tracks cause he is so laid back. I set up a data base with all of the names I had called off his lead list. I told him who needed to be called back and who was interested in changing companies. Did he bother to contact any of these people. NO. *shakes head* Why do I bother?!

I've been doing some of my web design stuff but have gotten bogged down with some issues pertaining to that. I need to get my thinking cap on...

I've gotten interested in my genealogy stuff again and have actually been making progress with tracing my ancestors. I'm hoping to get a membership to figured out again so I can get a bit farther back on the UK side of things. That is more affordable than the worldwide membership which I would love to buy, but is out of my reach right now. *sigh* I need to order some birth certificates and marriage certificates etc from the UK, but will need to enlist in some help from a friend of mine to do some looking up in the indexes first *winks*

The 1901 census being online has been a huge help, but with them charging £5.00 (about $9) for 500 credits, and them taking an average of 50 credits per look up, that £5.00 doesn't get you very far! I got through 1,000 credits like they were water the other night. I DID make some interesting discoveries though and was very pleased with my findings. My Great Grandfather, Great Grandmother and all of their living children all under one roof in London, 1901. TEN people in one house! *gasp*. I think I have also located my Great Great Grandfather too. Just trying to do some more checking around on that one though ;-)

We're hopefully going car shopping at the weekend. Not sure how much finance I can get given to me, but we're hoping to get a Pacifica. My parents are coming back next May/June time for a visit and we want to go to Graceland by car, so that would be ideal for us!

Anyway, I hope this is a big enough entry for you. I will try to update a bit more often, but things are real hectic at the moment.


Blogger Mo said...

I'm tellin you, I've worked for the company you're currently working for and my best advice to you? Get your license and get the hell out of there. Go work for S.F. or N.W.

19 July, 2006 11:33  
Blogger Mo said...


02 August, 2006 09:49  

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