Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Life sucks sometimes!

Feeling kind of frustrated today. It looks like we may be screwed over with the personal injury. We may be forced to pay back to the Medical Insurance company out of my settlement. Basically, they pay nothing for the claim, and we pay for all of it despite having insurance to cover stuff like that. For my pain and suffering and loss of earnings, we will end up with hardly anything and may even be at a loss. HOW is that fair? We have been totally screwed over left right and center with this. So much for us being able to get some debts paid off and me a new car. *SIGH*

Pain meds aren't even touching my neck and back today. I really need to get back into doing my exercises again.

My friend Julie called from the UK yesterday. It was so nice to hear a friendly voice out here. I feel like I am stuck in the middle of nowhere and once more, don't know anyone. *bigger sigh* I'm going to get myself back to doing some kind of work soon and hopefully that will help me meet more people. I feel like a hermit right now. I am going to start off doing some Pampered Chef sales for a while and see how that fits in with things. I think there is money to be made and if I don't try it, I will never know. I think it will be fun!

Ok, I am going to get this published before my horrible connection dies on me. Bye for now all.


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