Monday, March 20, 2006

Back again

It was a very wet weekend here in Ft Worth. All of the old farts who complained about the lack of rain should be somewhat placated now! Some areas have experienced flash flooding and we had a truck go off the road and end up stuck head first in a ditch! But I can almost guarentee it hasn't helped our water shortage any and by this time next week, we will be back on grass fire alerts and all being told to conserve water. *sigh*

C started at her new school this morning. It is only a 9min walk away, but when there are no sidewalks and all the ground is wet and muddy, it is not a fun journey. Just as we crossed the street to get to her school, a school bus sprayed her with muddy rain water. What a great start to her first day. Luckily, she managed to avoid most of it and what did get her had dried off by the time the paperwork was all completed.

Yesterday we went to a different Walmart to do some grocery shopping. It is a bit further away, but has less of a ghetto feel to it.The one just down the street from here has a cop posted 24/7 inside and we all felt very uneasy on the two occasions we shopped there. It is a fairly decent sized store, but everything is spread out so they really don't have too much stuff there at all! The one further away is better stocked and will probably be "our" store from now on. Only when we feel like a thrill seeking adventure will we go to the "ghetto store".

TSS never changes. She called on Saturday bitching about when we would be taking the kids and then started bitching that she didn't want to drive all the way to Ft Worth. The deal was that one of us does one trip and she does the other, not US doing ALL the driving so she can go stick sh*t up her nostrils all weekend! If she wants us to have the kids all weekend, then she has to do some of the driving like before. It's not that much farther than when we were in the apartment, so I don't see what her problem is. She will be getting a totally kid free weekend for the sake of a 30-40min drive! I guess she doesn't mind us not having them at all then, cause we are NOT doing all the schlepping around. This has to be 50/50 or nothing!

We have a company coming over at lunchtime today to quote on built in desks for the office. I fear it's going to be too expensive, but we will see what they come back with anyways. I like the idea of it all being matching and looking flush with the space we have. Our current desks don't match and look weird side by side. Watch this space for updates.

Still not sure what is happening with the DSL stuff. We spoke to Earthlink who said that SBC was not allowing access to their systems, so THEY couldn't hook us up. SBC (AT&T) said that they didn't have an office near us so no connection could be had for DSL, yet we had a call saying there WAS an office near us, it just wasn't connected up yet and couldn't say when that would happen either. So right now, we are still living in limbo and hoping a neighbor will come online so we can get stuff done. Not looking good so far. *sigh* Oh well, I will blog in notepad ready to copy and paste as and when we get a connection. Bye for now.


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