Thursday, March 23, 2006


Brrrrrrrrr. Is winter finally here? Now I know that some folk reading my blog will laugh when I say it's been a cold 38F this morning here in Texas, but trust me, this time last year, it was HOT! I have a sweater AND a fleece on and then donned my denim jacket to walk C to school this morning. My ears and face are bright red, and I am now waiting for my tea drink to cool down sufficiently enough for me to drink it without taking off a layer of skin from the inside of my mouth and tongue! They say it will be even colder tomorrow morning with an overnight freeze. I guess at least if the mud is frozen solid, it won't get stuck all over my sneakers and smeared up my pants twice a day!

Last night, we saw two helicopters with search lights flying around. This morning, we discovered why: a 5yo boy has gone missing whilst riding his bike with a family friend. My question is, WTF was the family friend doing to LOSE him and where is this "family friend" now? Poeple have been out all night looking for him and knowing how cold it was last night and how apparently lightly dressed he was, he won't be in good shape when they find him. That is of course that he hasn't come to a sticky end by some sick f*cker with a taste for young kids. This sh*t makes my blood run cold everytime I hear about it on the news. I hope he's ok, poor little thing.

Also last night, we had a sales guy come round trying to sell us a water purification system. He did various tests on both our tap water and our filtered fridge water and then through his system. The sludge shown in both of our waters was nasty. The only thing our filtered fridge water seems to be stopping, is the chlorine. Well, if it hadn't of been $5495 to get installed, we may have thought about it more seriously. Even with their finance package, it's out of our reach right now. Oh well, I will just continure to drink our "dirty water".

After having received three phone calls by lunchtime yesterday trying to sell me something or other, I registered all of our cellphones and landline with the do not call register. We've only been here a week and already we are getting the "phone to phone salesmen". It is one of the quickest ways to piss me off is to try and sell me something on the phone. Weare unlisted for a reason, so I would like to know how and why we are getting calls and they are asking for my husband in person! E reckons that SBC have sold our number on to a mailing list. If that is the case, then there are going to be problems. I'm getting PMSy too, so trust me, DO NOT CALL ME TODAY GUYS!

I will try to get some more blog hopping done today if my connection will allow me to. I can't always stay on long enough for the comments to load and publish, but I am around on and off readers! ;-) Bye for now.


Blogger Mo said...

I heard about the little boy. So very sad.

Get yourself a Pur water filter for your faucet. It's mega cheap and just as good. Don't fall for a salesman coming to your door, no matter what.

I can't believe how cold it is today! And I made the mistake of wearing short sleeves!

23 March, 2006 09:41  
Blogger DenimRose said...

Oh this dude was via a phone call originally. They bribed us with a free gift that in all honesty is total crap and not worth the paper it's printed on! I'll stick with the fridge water...

Yes, it's a bit nipply to say the least. LOL

23 March, 2006 10:56  

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