Sunday, May 21, 2006

I do LOVE a bit of cake!

Been a bit crazy here since my birthday. What with the outlaws coming over for the white glove inspection and all, I have been dusting, vacuuming and tidying like mad! If I vacuumed the house everyday this past week, I must have done it twice on some days! It became like an OCD thing. If I saw a fleck of dirt, or a crumb, out came a damp cloth and the Dyson and she's off! Whoosh! The poor cats didn't know what had hit them! LOL

I made my cheesecake and it turned out to be a real labor of love. I never knew how much effort went into making one before! Wow. But it felt really good to be baking it from scratch and not out of a baking kit box by Mr Hines or Mrs Crocker! We worked out how much it cost to buy everything, and brace yourselves, cause it wasn't cheap! $19.72. That is if you count the fact that I had the butter, sugar and vanilla extract already! Oh yeah, and don't add on the cheap $15 electric mixer I bought at Walmart either! LOL. Anyway, I digress...after about 3 hrs on and off of baking and mixing and more baking and more mixing and baking, it went into the fridge to chill overnight. Then I had to put the topping on about 3 hrs before it was due to be eaten. Well that was a little tricky, and it probably would have been less, how shall I say, "juicy" if it could have been left a little later. Oh well. It was well worth the effort and I would definitely make one again. It was really tasty and better than anything we have had when eating out! So there! *rasp*

Whole Cheesecake
My White Chocolate & Raspberry Cheesecake in its entirety.

Slice of Cheesecake
A "healthy" slice of cake sir/ma'am? Well I did use 1/3 less fat cheese dammit!

My outlaws loved the house and not one snide comment about dust or clutter to be had. Is this really the person who once quoted us as living like trailer park trash (despite having been brought up in a trailer and her starting off married life in a trailer?) Surely not? Anyway, they both loved the house and even bought me a Stargazer Lily (my fav flower) as a housewarming together with a nice check to spend on new stuff for the house! No, I am not telling you how much it was for, but it will most likely buy us a patio set, or at least part of one *wink*

My FIL took us out to eat at Olive Garden. I had the Chicken Caprese they have on their special menu right now. I had this the last time I went there with E and C a few weeks' back and I have the left-overs in the fridge for tomorrow's lunch!

Kids at Olive Garden
The kids at Olive Garden

Today the kids all drove me nutso. It's very hard to "train" the kids to use manners when they are here: TSS doesn't give a flying cr*p about that kind of thing and they never say please and thank you when they want or get something. Well I have made a new rule from now on (and so far it's working). If they do not ask nicely and say please, they do not get the said item. They DO however either get ignored, or prompted for a "what do you say?" kind of deal. It nearly ended in tears y'day lunchtime though when J just would NOT say please when asking for the mustard. After that, he seemed to grasp the concept and it hasn't been too bad from thereon in. It's going to be tough when we are TRYING to do the right thing 4 days out of the month and she does f*** all for the other 24-27! I'm hoping one day they will finally get it that they will get farther in life by showing some manners than by being rude, and that one day, Miss Thang will wake up and wonder "Where the f*** my kids "grew manners" cause it sure as hell wasn't from me". Ok, I am off the soap box now!

So, all is once again calm in our household. No more boundaries are being pushed, no more yelling kids, banging noses against walls, crying, arguing about whether they have really taken showers or not, or just having bad manners and attitudes. *sigh*


Blogger Mo said...

Cake looks YUMMY!

And the kids are ADORABLE!

22 May, 2006 12:58  
Blogger DenimRose said...

Thanks on both counts hun.

22 May, 2006 17:25  

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