Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Tricks with the mind & body

The human body can be cruel. Being as old as I am, and in want of another child before my child bearing days are over, when "Aunt Flo" is three days late, it's really not funny. QUIT playing games with me! I REALLY thought this was it, the moment I have been waiting for. Trying not to think about it, trying not to stress about IF and WHEN it will happen, but that it MIGHT still be possible....*sigh*

It looks more and more like we will either close on the house at the end of this week, or the beginning of next. The appraisal is in hand but until that has been done, we are all in limbo. So today, I have to change our moving date AGAIN with the nice lady over at Fire house Movers! Grrrr.

We upgraded the PC some over the last week or so. Both of us have LCD monitors and I have a DVD burner now as my CDRW died a slow and painful death. A GREAT deal on a laptop at Fry's over the weekend was too tempting to pass up too, so we grabbed it whilst stocks lasted! LOL It's basically to watch our soaps via the TV a lot easier and also frees up a lot of space on my hard drives. 9gb of soaps! Yikes! And with the secure home network that E set up, we're good to go! Woo hoo!

Going to get me a new ringtone I think. I have fallen in love with "Must Be Doing Something Right" by Billy Currington. Click on "Listen to tracks from new album" and hit track three when it loads. OMG....*goosebumps*

Friday, February 24, 2006

The Fours

Ok Jaana, this is just for you!

4 Jobs You Have Had in Your Life:
Nightclub Bouncer, Sales Assistant, Aircraft Dispatcher, Nail Technician

4 Movies You Could Watch Over & Over:
Top Gun, Wizard of Oz, King Pin, Monty Python's Holy Grail

4 Places You Have Lived:
London, Luton, Thetford (all in the UK), and then 2 more places within DFW Metroplex, Texas, USA

4 TV Shows You Love to Watch:
House, CSI Las Vegas, ER, Eastenders

4 Places You Have Been On Vacation:
Turkey, Spain, Germany, Malta

4 Websites You Visit Daily:
Ebay, Google for definite EVERY day! Other than that, I don't know!

4 of Your Favorite Foods:
Coconut Shrimp Bites, Fried Egg with Chips (French Fries), Chocolate (of course), Most things lemon flavored!

4 Places You'd Rather be Right Now:
My new house, Gran Canaria sipping cocktails by the pool at the hotel we honeymooned at, Las Vegas, Red Lobster easting coconut shrimp bites!

4 bloggers You Are Tagging:
Lou (pay back for the 7 Memes), ehhh, I think we'll just make Lou do this one! hehehe

Busy, busy, busy

Ooh, I am a BAD blogger! Sorry it's been 8 days since I last wrote in here, but things have been chaotic at this end!

We THOUGHT we were ready to close on the house on Feb 28 and move in on March 02. But no, our mortgage broker, underwriter and mortgage company do not communicate with each other! Cut a long story short, they screwed up! Now we will most likely be closing the first week of March and moving in a couple of days afterwards. *sigh*

I can't remember if I mentioned this before and can't be arsed to read my own blog to check, but did I tell y'all that the FIRE DEPARTMENT are moving us?! Hmmm, thought the ladies would like that bit! Yes, our local fire dept also run a removals service. Basically, when the fire fighters are off duty, they moonlight doing removals. It's all above board and run by the fire dept themselves. We get 3 fire fighters and a 32ft long truck. It's only $95 an hour and $50 flat rate move fee within the metroplex here. Not even messing about with a u-haul would work out better! Woo hoo! Have a look for yourself if you don't believe me: Firehouse Movers Inc.

So, what else have I been doing since I last blogged? Well, I DID finally get my pain meds! Thank God for that! Physical Therapy has been ok some days, and purgatory on others. I swear Melissa enjoys inflicting pain on me! We did our walkthrough on the house y'day. C has done her TAKS test. That's about it. More news as it happens!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

I need drugs

Remind me NOT to leave it until I am down to my last muscle relaxant pill before ordering any more!

The pharmacy faxed the Dr last night at 5pm. I called the Dr's office to make sure they were still there and would get it signed off and faxed right back. The lady I spoke to said that would be fine.

This morning, I call the pharmacy to check my meds are in before I walk over there and he tells me they still haven't heard anything and had faxed them again. He suggested I call the Dr's office and remind them.

I get some snotty, nasty, rude, mealy mouthed nurse and she informs me when I mention the phrase "last night", that "Oh the fax machine gets turned off "at night" and it won't come in until this morning anyway. When we get it, we will give to to Dr R to sign and it will get sent back to the pharmacy!" Click. Buuuurrrrrrrrrrr.

Arghhhhhhhhhhhh!! When I said last night, I meant 5pm, not midnight you stupid hick bint! Can you not LISTEN to the entire sentence before going off into verbal diarrhea and slamming the damn phone down on me?

So now, I am playing the waiting game. Ibuprofen alone is not touching the pain. *sigh* I need to get off here and rest some. Bye for now.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Hearts n Dishes

The house is really coming along leaps and bounds now. You can check it out by clicking the link to the right. The mortgage dude reckons we will close (complete) at 0900hrs CST, Feb 28, one of the other folk over there reckons later, so who knows. The left hand doesn't know what the right one is doing methinks. I hope they get their act together soon though as we gave notice to quit the apartment on Mar 16! *yikes*

TSS is moving into a cockroach infested apartment complex. The apartment is 110sq ft smaller than our place and this is cramped at times! We read some reviews on the place and only 16% of folk who have lived there would recommend it. At least our apartment complex got a 56%! I'm glad she is moving away from her abusive father (whom we are certain will soon be turning his attentions to K), and that she is finally going to stand on her own two feet. What worries me is that she may be relying on the child support checks to pay the rent and that scares me. What if (God forbid), E should lose his job? That would mean her and the kids out on the street. I understand he has to pay child support and all, but SHE has a duty to support them also! It's just really scary all round. She is not the most reliable of people when it comes to paying her bills and the last place she was renting, she ran up a rent debt of over $2000! I wonder who co-signed for this place for her?! Hmmmm. The mind boggles!

Sunday daytime, he went off to work to grab the much needed overtime and I stayed home with all three kids. I awoke to a pile of fresh cat vomit on the carpet. Nice. Just what I want to wake up to! However, before I can clean it up, I have to wash up a crapload of stuff in the sink! Grrrrr. So, I duly did this, cleaned up the vomit, made the kids breakfast, took my meds and had myself some breakfast. He calls mid morning to see how things are going. It ended in a slanging match on the phone and I told him straight: "If you do NOT clean up after yourself, you will find yourself cooking dinner EVERY night until you learn! You can make dinner tonight, or go hungry, your choice!" Well, ya know what, it worked! He cooked dinner AND cleaned up after himself! Woo hooooo!

Yesterday was Valentine's Day. E got me some cute PJ's with pretty hearts, lovebirds and flowers on them. I got him "Dodgeball" on DVD and a coffee mug with a heart on it. After Physical Therapy, we went to Logan's Roadhouse for dinner. We only had to wait around 35mins for our table, so not too bad considering what day it was!

I think that's about it for now....TTFN

Friday, February 10, 2006

Pain in the ass

Sometimes I wonder how a person would react if they were in my shoes. Do they really understand the extent of the pain I am in (even when I have pain meds inside of me). Or do they just think I am exaggerating to get out of going back to work. It often makes me wonder. Take this morning for example:

I DARE to bitch about leftover raw chicken and dirty skillet and utensils being left in the sink and grease splattered all over the nice clean stove top that I only just cleaned the day before (because of the mess created from the last time he cooked)....and I get yelled at because I haven't found a job yet and I NEED to recognize that he cooked last night. Well I had to drive a stick shift in rush hour traffic to physical therapy with all of my injuries which include my left knee which is really painful right now. Trust me, it's no fun having to keep pushing down on the clutch! Why is it when I cook every other night of the week, I can manage to clean up the sh*t afterwards and not leave it for someone else to do? Is it really asking too much? I guess so. I'm tired of this bullsh*t.

I sent out three resumes this week and looked at countless jobs, but he just looks at it this way: You ONLY sent out THREE? I sent out HUNDREDS when I was out of work...I'm not qualified for most of the jobs I am finding, and even some of the lowest paid ones want a degree. WTF is up with that?

The physical therapy place are in need of some help and I was going to see about maybe working there at least until we move. It might be too long of a commute to do afterwards though. I don't want to mess them about though. They need someone full time and not someone who's going to leave in a month's time. *sigh*

It feels like every day, I have more stuff shoved in my face to do. That is on top of the usual BS that needs to get done that goes un-noticed. I feel unappreciated. JUST because I am not in a PAID job, doesn't mean I have nothing to do. It's been a bad week for pain this week, but that is pushed to the way side with him. Have you found a job yet is all that matters? Just keep on pushing me and see where it gets you. There's only so much I am prepared to take.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Coyote cutie and physical stuff

Physical Therapy is getting harder with each visit. Melissa is adding more exercises to help increase my strength in all of the afflicted areas. I like going as number one, it gets me out of the house, and number 2, I actually FEEL like it is doing me some good. It's often painful especially when my head is being pulled and my back being pushed on, but I know at the end of the day, it will help me back on to the road of recovery.

Tuesday night I heard a noise. At first I thought it was E's pc making some weird sound effect or something. I asked him what it was and he said it sounded like a coyote. I realized the windows were still open and that the noise wasn't from his pc, but was from outside. I stood on the porch and stared into the darkness. Suddenly it howled again and I saw him (or her) standing at the little patch of woodland on the edge of the parking lot. A big ol' coyote. And he was big too. The size of a German Shepherd maybe, not sure. He howled a few times and then when he realized he wasn't getting the food or attention he was craving, he scampered off into the woodland! I have seen some interesting creatures since I arrived in Texas, but most of them have been in the zoo or as roadkill. Here's a few of my sights to date:

Raccoon (never a live one, always roadkill), Skunk, (roadkill, but mostly you can just smell just their stench wafting across the street), 'Possum (always squished by the roadside), Armadillo (they make good crunchy roadkill...never saw a live one until we went to Boo at the Zoo for Halloween), Coyote (he was alive! I think I have seen a couple of younger dead ones on the roadside), Cardinal (these beauties have always been alive, but I have only seen males), Rattle Snake (thankfully it was was dead the one I stumbled across, and the others were behind glass!), Fire Ants (they WERE alive and then Terminex got a hold of them and killed every last one of the little buggers), Porcupine (only at the zoo), Hawk (see them and hear them daily. They look cute when they sit on the street signs watching the traffic)

Well that's it on the nature stuff!! LOL

Moving on...yesterday was one of THOSE days. I'd had a bad night the night before (Tuesday) and woke up feeling like poop. I ached from physical therapy and I could feel a headache started to lurk. By lunch, I was getting a bad headache. I took my usual pain meds at 12 ands waited until 2.30 to take some excedrin. I just took one hoping it would be enough to tell the pain in my head to go away. By 3.45, I had to take another one and decide it best to just skip my 4pm pain meds as it may cause tummy cramps again like last time. The pain was getting worse, not better and I could feel it turning into a full blown migraine. Sh*t, that's all I need. I laid down in the bedroom. It was cool and dark. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't stop the pain and on top of that, my neck and back were screaming at me for pain meds. I started to feel nauseous. NOT a good sign. I needed to eat something, or I would be looking at the inside of the toilet bowl before long.

Rice-a-roni and corn to the rescue, Man I hate it when it is just before E's pay day: there's hardly anything to eat and I needed something fast!

I soon started to feel a lot better and even the headache side of the migraine started to dissipate (big word for me innit LOL).

By 9.30pm, it started to come back again. I popped another excedrin and a muscle spasm pill and went to bed.

I awoke this morning: my back and neck are not good at all, my head felt like it was still trying to fend off the migraine and I didn't know what meds I should take. I took a risk. The pain meds for my injuries won this battle and if the migraine comes back, I will deal with it appropriately.

The more I have been going to physical therapy, the more I am thinking I wouldn't mind doing their job. It seems like a very rewarding job and I think I would enjoy it honestly. E looked into the training I would need to be a physical therapist's assistant, 70hrs total (working out at about $3360) and I got put off at the first class. They require a mammal dissection. Sh*t. He says it would most likely be a cat. I have two cats of my own, I really don't know if I could do that. When we did biology at school, it was nothing bigger than a worm or frog, and even then, the squeamish ones could skip that part if they wanted to. Guess who skipped that part?! Crap, if I want to do this, I need to figure a way around that. Maybe if it were a rabbit, or rat it would be different. But a cat or dog would be like NO WAY JOSE! Dang it. I will talk to Melissa tonight and see what she has to say about it. She will probably think I am nuts at my age for even thinking about starting training for a career like that. I think I would be good at it and could certainly give first hand advice on the recovery process etc. *shrugs* I dunno, I just feel like I am wasting my life away and going nowhere. I am getting the learning bug again and need to go with it!

Sunday, February 05, 2006

What's new?

After the stress and strain of Monday, everything else seems dull in comparison. TSS is obviously not happy with the outcome, but swears that the money will be spent on the kids as it always was before. Yeah right, that's why when you were getting $800 a month you didn't bother paying your rent and ran up a debt of $2000, yet were getting tattoos and body piercings done. Nothing like getting your priorities right is there?

Tabitha seems to be back to her old self again although the shock of everything has brought her into season earlier than anticipated and she is presenting her butt to anyone and everything that shows the slightest interest. Getting her "bits" removed is next on the to do list I think!

Physical Therapy went well this week. Melissa says my legs are getting stronger as "sitting on the wall" is becoming easier. The heat as always felt yummy and was putting me to sleep!

We went to Olive Garden on Friday night as we haven't been out for a while. I tried the new stuffed pasta shells with shrimp. Mmmmmmm. Very nice!!

Checked out the house on Saturday amongst other errands we had to run. They have laid the vinyl flooring and done all the light switches and little detail type things. They have also poured the wrong size patio! They will now have to chip it out and pour the correct size in one piece! *groan*

Okay, I am going to update the house pages now and put some stuff up for sale on Ebay. TTFN