Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Hearts n Dishes

The house is really coming along leaps and bounds now. You can check it out by clicking the link to the right. The mortgage dude reckons we will close (complete) at 0900hrs CST, Feb 28, one of the other folk over there reckons later, so who knows. The left hand doesn't know what the right one is doing methinks. I hope they get their act together soon though as we gave notice to quit the apartment on Mar 16! *yikes*

TSS is moving into a cockroach infested apartment complex. The apartment is 110sq ft smaller than our place and this is cramped at times! We read some reviews on the place and only 16% of folk who have lived there would recommend it. At least our apartment complex got a 56%! I'm glad she is moving away from her abusive father (whom we are certain will soon be turning his attentions to K), and that she is finally going to stand on her own two feet. What worries me is that she may be relying on the child support checks to pay the rent and that scares me. What if (God forbid), E should lose his job? That would mean her and the kids out on the street. I understand he has to pay child support and all, but SHE has a duty to support them also! It's just really scary all round. She is not the most reliable of people when it comes to paying her bills and the last place she was renting, she ran up a rent debt of over $2000! I wonder who co-signed for this place for her?! Hmmmm. The mind boggles!

Sunday daytime, he went off to work to grab the much needed overtime and I stayed home with all three kids. I awoke to a pile of fresh cat vomit on the carpet. Nice. Just what I want to wake up to! However, before I can clean it up, I have to wash up a crapload of stuff in the sink! Grrrrr. So, I duly did this, cleaned up the vomit, made the kids breakfast, took my meds and had myself some breakfast. He calls mid morning to see how things are going. It ended in a slanging match on the phone and I told him straight: "If you do NOT clean up after yourself, you will find yourself cooking dinner EVERY night until you learn! You can make dinner tonight, or go hungry, your choice!" Well, ya know what, it worked! He cooked dinner AND cleaned up after himself! Woo hooooo!

Yesterday was Valentine's Day. E got me some cute PJ's with pretty hearts, lovebirds and flowers on them. I got him "Dodgeball" on DVD and a coffee mug with a heart on it. After Physical Therapy, we went to Logan's Roadhouse for dinner. We only had to wait around 35mins for our table, so not too bad considering what day it was!

I think that's about it for now....TTFN


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