Sunday, February 05, 2006

What's new?

After the stress and strain of Monday, everything else seems dull in comparison. TSS is obviously not happy with the outcome, but swears that the money will be spent on the kids as it always was before. Yeah right, that's why when you were getting $800 a month you didn't bother paying your rent and ran up a debt of $2000, yet were getting tattoos and body piercings done. Nothing like getting your priorities right is there?

Tabitha seems to be back to her old self again although the shock of everything has brought her into season earlier than anticipated and she is presenting her butt to anyone and everything that shows the slightest interest. Getting her "bits" removed is next on the to do list I think!

Physical Therapy went well this week. Melissa says my legs are getting stronger as "sitting on the wall" is becoming easier. The heat as always felt yummy and was putting me to sleep!

We went to Olive Garden on Friday night as we haven't been out for a while. I tried the new stuffed pasta shells with shrimp. Mmmmmmm. Very nice!!

Checked out the house on Saturday amongst other errands we had to run. They have laid the vinyl flooring and done all the light switches and little detail type things. They have also poured the wrong size patio! They will now have to chip it out and pour the correct size in one piece! *groan*

Okay, I am going to update the house pages now and put some stuff up for sale on Ebay. TTFN


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