Thursday, February 09, 2006

Coyote cutie and physical stuff

Physical Therapy is getting harder with each visit. Melissa is adding more exercises to help increase my strength in all of the afflicted areas. I like going as number one, it gets me out of the house, and number 2, I actually FEEL like it is doing me some good. It's often painful especially when my head is being pulled and my back being pushed on, but I know at the end of the day, it will help me back on to the road of recovery.

Tuesday night I heard a noise. At first I thought it was E's pc making some weird sound effect or something. I asked him what it was and he said it sounded like a coyote. I realized the windows were still open and that the noise wasn't from his pc, but was from outside. I stood on the porch and stared into the darkness. Suddenly it howled again and I saw him (or her) standing at the little patch of woodland on the edge of the parking lot. A big ol' coyote. And he was big too. The size of a German Shepherd maybe, not sure. He howled a few times and then when he realized he wasn't getting the food or attention he was craving, he scampered off into the woodland! I have seen some interesting creatures since I arrived in Texas, but most of them have been in the zoo or as roadkill. Here's a few of my sights to date:

Raccoon (never a live one, always roadkill), Skunk, (roadkill, but mostly you can just smell just their stench wafting across the street), 'Possum (always squished by the roadside), Armadillo (they make good crunchy roadkill...never saw a live one until we went to Boo at the Zoo for Halloween), Coyote (he was alive! I think I have seen a couple of younger dead ones on the roadside), Cardinal (these beauties have always been alive, but I have only seen males), Rattle Snake (thankfully it was was dead the one I stumbled across, and the others were behind glass!), Fire Ants (they WERE alive and then Terminex got a hold of them and killed every last one of the little buggers), Porcupine (only at the zoo), Hawk (see them and hear them daily. They look cute when they sit on the street signs watching the traffic)

Well that's it on the nature stuff!! LOL

Moving on...yesterday was one of THOSE days. I'd had a bad night the night before (Tuesday) and woke up feeling like poop. I ached from physical therapy and I could feel a headache started to lurk. By lunch, I was getting a bad headache. I took my usual pain meds at 12 ands waited until 2.30 to take some excedrin. I just took one hoping it would be enough to tell the pain in my head to go away. By 3.45, I had to take another one and decide it best to just skip my 4pm pain meds as it may cause tummy cramps again like last time. The pain was getting worse, not better and I could feel it turning into a full blown migraine. Sh*t, that's all I need. I laid down in the bedroom. It was cool and dark. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't stop the pain and on top of that, my neck and back were screaming at me for pain meds. I started to feel nauseous. NOT a good sign. I needed to eat something, or I would be looking at the inside of the toilet bowl before long.

Rice-a-roni and corn to the rescue, Man I hate it when it is just before E's pay day: there's hardly anything to eat and I needed something fast!

I soon started to feel a lot better and even the headache side of the migraine started to dissipate (big word for me innit LOL).

By 9.30pm, it started to come back again. I popped another excedrin and a muscle spasm pill and went to bed.

I awoke this morning: my back and neck are not good at all, my head felt like it was still trying to fend off the migraine and I didn't know what meds I should take. I took a risk. The pain meds for my injuries won this battle and if the migraine comes back, I will deal with it appropriately.

The more I have been going to physical therapy, the more I am thinking I wouldn't mind doing their job. It seems like a very rewarding job and I think I would enjoy it honestly. E looked into the training I would need to be a physical therapist's assistant, 70hrs total (working out at about $3360) and I got put off at the first class. They require a mammal dissection. Sh*t. He says it would most likely be a cat. I have two cats of my own, I really don't know if I could do that. When we did biology at school, it was nothing bigger than a worm or frog, and even then, the squeamish ones could skip that part if they wanted to. Guess who skipped that part?! Crap, if I want to do this, I need to figure a way around that. Maybe if it were a rabbit, or rat it would be different. But a cat or dog would be like NO WAY JOSE! Dang it. I will talk to Melissa tonight and see what she has to say about it. She will probably think I am nuts at my age for even thinking about starting training for a career like that. I think I would be good at it and could certainly give first hand advice on the recovery process etc. *shrugs* I dunno, I just feel like I am wasting my life away and going nowhere. I am getting the learning bug again and need to go with it!


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