Thursday, February 16, 2006

I need drugs

Remind me NOT to leave it until I am down to my last muscle relaxant pill before ordering any more!

The pharmacy faxed the Dr last night at 5pm. I called the Dr's office to make sure they were still there and would get it signed off and faxed right back. The lady I spoke to said that would be fine.

This morning, I call the pharmacy to check my meds are in before I walk over there and he tells me they still haven't heard anything and had faxed them again. He suggested I call the Dr's office and remind them.

I get some snotty, nasty, rude, mealy mouthed nurse and she informs me when I mention the phrase "last night", that "Oh the fax machine gets turned off "at night" and it won't come in until this morning anyway. When we get it, we will give to to Dr R to sign and it will get sent back to the pharmacy!" Click. Buuuurrrrrrrrrrr.

Arghhhhhhhhhhhh!! When I said last night, I meant 5pm, not midnight you stupid hick bint! Can you not LISTEN to the entire sentence before going off into verbal diarrhea and slamming the damn phone down on me?

So now, I am playing the waiting game. Ibuprofen alone is not touching the pain. *sigh* I need to get off here and rest some. Bye for now.


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