Friday, January 27, 2006

What a pain in the neck!

This morning after I had gotten dressed, something "snapped" in my neck and I suddenly zoomed back 8 weeks to the day after the car accident. The pain meds weren't even touching it! I tried to rest on the couch. Nothing. I walked about. Nope, that wasn't helping any. I DAREN'T do any stretching cause I knew my previous obtainable goals had now been moved way off into the distance. So what did I do? I walked gingerly to the store and bought me some super duper "Therma Care" pads. OMG heaven in a box! You stick the pad across the afflicted area (in my case, my neck and shoulders) and it reacts with the air and heats up. You can wear them for up to 8hrs and then you throw them away. Kind of expensive at $8.49 for three, but VERY soothing and is helping A LOT! *sigh*

I may have me another job to go to. I will tell more as and when I find out about it. Watch this space!

It's K's birthday tomorrow and I have to go bake a cake. Bye for now!


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