Monday, January 30, 2006

Just desserts

Today has been a very l-o-n-g day. It started off by getting up at 0500hrs and cutting E's hair. Then jumping in the shower, breakfasting, taking my meds and heading out the door at 0645. For today was the day we took TSS to court to get the child support modified. We were both very stressed out and I myself personally had been awake since before 0300 mulling things over in my head. I don't know how long I laid there trying to get back to sleep, but it felt like just as I did, it was time to get up! It was chilly this morning and my bare legs felt the wind whistling round them as we crossed from the parking lot to the new courthouse. It was a totally new building from the one E had gotten his divorce at, and was so fresh and clean looking, almost hospital-like.

When we got to the court dealing with our hearing, we saw TSS sitting outside. She had made absolutely NO effort! No make up, hair scraped back off her face, and wearing casual clothes. Her attorney seemed like she was bi-polar: one minute her mood was sweetness and light, the next she was spitting fire at everyone. Most strange.

Our attorney Kim arrived very calm and collected. She went into a conference room with Miss BP and began to bump heads over the case. E said that it sounded like it was getting rather heated in there. Kim came out and started going on about how TSS was going to try to make both of us look as bad as possible. She had been lying to her own attorney about CPS. She told her they had dropped the case against her as it was unfounded. (I will expound on that later on). She also told her I had been bad mouthing her in front of the kids (she must be thinking of what SHE has been up to). She also stated she was back in school (another lie). And then the piece de la resistance: she wanted to drag the whole "I was only 15 when I got married", he took advantage BS. Anyway, I digress...TSS was prepared to try and drag E's name through the mud and that was that. Kim however put Miss BP straight and quite flatly told her "That has NOTHING to do with the child support modification". She TRIED to bring it up in front of the judge, and he shut her up there and then. It made TSS and her "Pro Bono" attorney look extremely stupid and petty! I guess you get what you pay for.

The outcome was a good one. We got it modified to a reasonable amount and an arrangement to start to pay off the arrearage. The judge also ordered it to be a FINAL payment and not a temporary stay which was what was originally intended. That suits us because it costs us less in fees. We will get some money back and that is a good deal as far as we are concerned.

After the court ordeal, believe it or not, I had to compose myself to have an interview. It was a very casual affair and the guy seemed nice. The money will not be fantastic, but it will be regular wages as opposed to waiting for a client to MAYBE get their nails done and there is scope for promotion and advancement. What is this job? It's just a receptionist at an Insurance Agency. I will be helping three agents out at an office near to our new house. My MIL actually put me on to them as they are part of her area that she covers and she knew they needed someone with an ounce of intelligence! Apparently I have just over the ounce, so qualify! He seemed to like me, so fingers crossed, I should have some news in the next couple of days on that!

It looks like the house will be ready sooner than we thought. They called today to say that one of the vinyl floor coverings we ordered was out of stock and would we like the same one throughout the "wet areas". I agreed as both designs were fairly plain and nice, so really was no big deal. The mortgage company requested all the pay checks, bank statements etc and it seems to be moving quickly. After seeing it on Saturday, I can really believe it is almost done. You can check out the progress with the link to the right of the page.

We had the kids over at the weekend. I am really disheartened that despite how WE hold our tongues about TSS when the kids are present, SHE feels the need to badmouth us the moment she gets the chance to. E's eldest approached me on Sunday whilst he was at work and asked why his daddy wanted to take them away from his mommy. I asked him where he had got such an idea from. He again reiterated the conversation he had had with his mom after E had fought with her on the phone about the child support. The SECOND she got off the phone, she told J that daddy wanted to take him and K away from her. When E asked her about this before, she flatly denied it and said he was making it up. Kids do not remember stuff like that if they are making it up. His story matched the one from two weeks ago. *sigh*

It was K's 5th birthday on Saturday. Money was tight as we'd had a $440 payment stripped from E's wage by CSA. It left us short for our rent which we still have to find, but I did bake her a cake and got her a new outfit to wear. I know it's not much, but apparently, we got her more than ANYONE at her house did. TSS bought her NOTHING, her grandparents got her NOTHING. Thankfully we got her a small something and so did E's parents. *sigh* And they wonder WHY we are pissed about her having money for the kids? We know full well that it won't go on the kids at all! :-( This is K in her new outfit we got her (I have NEVER seen this child wear a dress or skirt, ever)

Back to the CPS deal. I managed to get a hold of the case worker this morning whilst E was in the courtroom. Now TSS reckoned it had been closed and they were no longer investigating her. I managed to speak with her NEW case worker who said she had been trying to get a hold of her unsuccessfully. I wrote the details on a card and gave them to Kim to pass onto Miss BP/TSS. It would maybe prove to Miss BP what a f****** liar TSS really is!

Physical Therapy tomorrow, yay! :-/ Bed now, YAYYYYYY!!! Nite nite


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