Wednesday, January 25, 2006

She's stable

$224 lighter, and Tabitha is on her way to the Pet Hospital down the street. She was very scared and I guess somewhat mad at me. Everything was going ok until I was asked to sign a form. "Ma'am, in the event of heart failure, please check what you would like us to do. Either DNR (Do Not Resuscitate), CPR, or Open Heart Massage". Well that was the final straw. I burst into floods of tears. I never in my wildest dreams imagined having to do anything like this for ANYONE, let alone my fuzzy girl. They said they would call if there was anything wrong and that no news, was good news. It hadn't even entered my mind that this might be an issue. I left the pet hospital a sniffling mess.

At just before midnight, my cell phone rang. It was the pet hospital. My heart leapt into my throat as I feared the worst. I breathed a sigh of relief as all they wanted was to give her an enema as she hadn't passed any of the charcoal yet and the IBP could be re-absorbed via her colon and bowels. I TRIED to get back to sleep but tossed and turned for the most part of it.

I got up and 5am today and got myself prepared to go collect Tabitha and take her to the vet at PetSmart again. She looked very upset with me and scared too. She finally came out of the corner of the cage and finally let me pet her. After about 5mins of some loving, she started to purr. I felt a bit more at ease with my conscience. A payment of $256 to the pet hospital and we were back on our way to PetSmart. She will be there all day under observation and continuing the IV fluids. Hopefully, she is on the road to recovery now.


Blogger Mo said...

Oh goodness. Poor kitty! She'll be in my prayers. :o)

25 January, 2006 08:22  
Blogger DenimRose said...

Thanks hun. I think I have half the internet praying for her recovery right now. :-)

Hopefully, she will be ok (even if she is mad at me and doesn't know WTF she has done wrong to get this kind of treatment).

25 January, 2006 08:43  

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