Thursday, January 26, 2006

She's b-a-c-k...

We collected Tabitha from PetSmart last night and she finally came home with us. $35 please! We gave her a bath as she was a bit smelly from being in the vets and I think peeing on herself! One stressful bath time later and she was wandering around trying to shake the water out of her paws. She ate, drank and used the litter tray so I guess she is back on the road to recovery. Chrystine (our other cat) won't go near Tabitha or any of us and hisses and spits. I'm not sure if it's the vet's she can smell, or just that we washed Tabitha's scent away and she now smells all new to her like a stranger. I dunno! I tried taking some pictures of her with her cute blue bandage on but she wasn't a willing model for me, so not sure how those are going to look!
This morning, my neighbor kindly ran us both back to PetSmart to have her bloodwork checked out to make sure she was ok again and get the catheter removed from her front paw. Another $78 please!

With her bandage on

Trying to get some rest after her ordeal. They shaved my fuzzy girl's paw!

The bandage is off and she has this poor little patch on her leg where they have shaved her. Bless.

I haven't slept well the past few nights so am going to have a lay down. Ciao for now!


Blogger LDR said...

So glad to know that your kitty's alright and back home. What a miserable scare huh?!?

I hope the crap with the car gets resolved very, very soon & I personally apologize for the moronic actions of the company and people you have to work with... they give all adjusters and companies a bad rep... We're not all like that... really!

27 January, 2006 00:58  
Blogger Mo said...

I'm so glad you got your kitty back. What a beautiful cat! :o)

27 January, 2006 12:28  
Blogger DenimRose said...

K: Thanks hun. We've decided to settle for the pathetic amount. With all the stress of everything going on, this was just adding to things. We had to dip into our house closing costs for the vet's stuff and with the BS child support, it left us short for our rent, so something had to give somewhere along the line. The next battle will be the personal injury BS. *sigh*

Molicious: Thanks hun. We're glad we got her back too, she's my fuzzy girl. She's been spoiled rotten since she came home too!

27 January, 2006 12:58  

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