Tuesday, January 24, 2006

It's A Cat's Life

This morning whilst eating my toast, I noticed the kitten batting something around on the carpet. When I looked down, she had my multi-vitamin pill. I quickly took it away from her and dumped it back in the cup I load my pills into ready for when I am done eating. I look and look again. One of my Ibuprofen pills is missing. There should be three, but there's only two. Oh SH*T! I frantically start looking around for it and it's nowhere to be seen. I call the vet and they tell me that it can cause the kidneys to fail and I need to get her to the vet's office ASAP.

I scoop up the kitten, get her into the pet carrier and start to frantically try and get a taxicab to come out. It's 8.00am, good luck with that plan.

I call the vet back in tears and they tell me to call the ASPCA Poison Control Center. They tell me I STILL need to get her to the vet and that's $55 for telling you that thanks very much!

My neighbor pulled up, so I ran to his apartment and burst into tears when he opened the door. He has a dog, so he understood where I was coming from and offered to take me and bring me back. I said not to worry about waiting for me and he should just go to work.

They weighed her and took her straight in to get treatment started. They are going to try to flush her system with IV fluids and charcoal in an attempt to stop it from harming her. If left untreated, the IBP could cause her kidneys to shut down.

We have to go get her tonight before 6 when the vet at PetSmart closes and then take her to the pet hospital down the street where she needs to stay in overnight. Just the day at PetSmart's vet will cost around $200+. I don't even wanna think about the hospital's charges.

I've turned the apartment upside down looking for the missing pill. I can't find it. I feel like sh*t. My poor fuzzy girl. :-(( This was taken yesterday. One of her comfort zones (on top of my monitor watching me on the pc. *sniff*


Blogger Mo said...

That poor pretty kitty! I had a scare like that recently.

We have an oleander bush in our backyard and I never even thought about Delighla messing with it. Well I got home one afternoon and some of the leaves were on the ground and looked like they had been chewed on. Well I freaked out and called the vet. He advised me to give her hydrogen peroxide (three tablespoons at a time, every ten minutes) till she threw it up. Once she got it up, wait for an hour then give her a tablespoon of Pepto. Boy, that was fun!

25 January, 2006 08:21  
Blogger DenimRose said...

I didn't have any hydrogen peroxide in the place and was told by poison control that chances are I would not be able to make her sick (as cats were funny like that).

25 January, 2006 08:41  

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