Thursday, January 05, 2006

Phones, Dryer, Dr, Pains, Car, House, Scrapbooking!

At last I can send and receive texts on my cell phone. The old Siemens phone had a serious issue with Cingular and each time we tried to send a text message, the phone would switch off. Cingular blamed Siemens, and Siemens blamed Cingular. Funny how we never had a problem when using a UK network card and roaming on Cingular when we visited Texas (before moving here). Hmmm. Anyway, we can send and receive now, so all is good. I got a couple of texts from my UK pals and was much happier after that. I haven't given the number out to most people yet as we have an issue that needs to be resolved. The guy in the store got the phones mixed up. I have Eric's registered phone and he has mine. So when I call the landline, HIS name comes up on the caller ID and vice versa. Now the easiest solution would be to swap the phones over, but we have both downloaded stuff to our respective phones and personalized them to our own tastes. If they cannot change the phones over, then we will just get them to remove the name from the caller ID and leave it as "wireless call" and pay each other's bills when they come in. What a pain in the butt! *sigh*

I have to say this "I LOVE MY SMART HUSBAND!". Yesterday, the plastic knob on the dryer cracked. I tried to use another one from a feature we don't use as a temporary fix, but something wasn't right. Hubs to the rescue! I tried to explain what was wrong with it and how it should feel when being turned. After a few expletives and faffing around online and stuff, he finally worked out what the issue was. The springs inside the mechanical side of things had pinged out and weren't "catching" and telling the dryer to switch on. He fixed it and it works again. Yaaaayyyy!!!

I went to the Dr's on Tuesday and he is not pleased with the progress (or lack thereof) in my neck and shoulders. He said that there should have been more improvement than there has been and has stressed the importance of physio and to keep taking the pain meds.

I have had a horrible 3-4 days of feeling extremely nauseous, dizzy and having diarrhea (the last two days). Not nice. I figured out that it was due to the narcotic pain meds (Darvocet) coming out of my system when I ran out and my body having to get used to them again. Thankfully, it seems to have eased off somewhat now and I don't feel quite so rough. I think the sooner I can get off of these things, the happier I will be. *sigh*

The Sebring has gone in to be repaired. Whether we see it again or not, is another issue *shrugs*. They may turn right around and say it's broke beyond repair. It really makes no odds to me at this point as I will get rid of it either way. I am not comfortable even being a passenger in it, let alone driving it again. It just needs to go away.

We have an estimated closing date on the house of February 24. Now that could change dependant on the weather conditions a few days each way, but it's looking good so far!

Anyway, I am actually going to try out my new sewing machine thingy I bought the other day and get some scrapbooking done! Woo hoo! Talk later!


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