Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Christmas & Service King Trauma

Building work is really coming along on our house now. In just 6 days, we have gone from foundation slab being poured, to framing, sheathing, roof boards, siding and windows!!! Check it out on the "New House" link! There are three pages in total and the latest work is on 2 & 3.

Christmas was good fun. The kids came over early evening on Christmas Eve, had dinner, played some with C in her room and got ready for bed. Both were excited about Santa coming and said they had only been a little bit bad this year! LOL How cute. We all watched "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" off TiVO and then scuttled them off to bed. Milk and crackers were left out for "Santa" who polished them off once the kids were out of sight! I duly finished wrapping C's presents up and placed them all under the tree. I kinda felt bad as we weren't able to get as much stuff for the kids as we did for C. We'd already got her present put aside on layaway before we had the accident, so that was kinda taken care of. So to then be back down to one wage and have two more to buy for was hard on the bank balance! We got them each two pairs of PJ's, a coloring board with markers, K an outfit and a leap-pad system and J a gameboy game. It didn't look very much when it was all wrapped up - 3 presents for J and 4 for K. Then there is C who had gifts from us, my parents, my aunt, my brother, E's parents....was hard. I just hope the note from "Santa" explaining that there was some presents left at their mom's house would be ok with them.

E got me the following: ALF season 2 (woo hoo), the latest Kenny Chesney CD, (woo hoo), a sweater (which I wore to the Gaylord BEFORE Christmas), a Take 5 bar (apparently to pad out the gift bag), and this really cute wallet I have had my eye on. Take a peek

This is the sweater Eric got me. This is inside the Gaylord Texan Hotel.

my presents
Hehehe, my goodies from Eric

A little bit of bling on the wallet, but not too much!

My present from the kids (totally unexpected)

The tree before the carnage!

The aftermath!

Lunch went well and despite K saying she didn't like ham, she ate it all. She even said she liked it! The thing is, she had never HAD it, so when I tried to explain it was like bacon (which she loves), she said she didn't like it and didn't want it. Come lunch time, she'd forgotten about the conversation and ate it anyway LOL. We took a few pictures after lunch. It was a really nice day with temperatures hitting 70+! ere's a pic:

K, C & J

Kids went home at 3pm and we chilled out in front of the TV for a while. I hadn't been sleeping well due to the new pills the Dr had given me and despite stopping them, they were still in my system. Hot flashes, bad dreams, insomnia, feeling jittery and legs like jello is not pleasant. The pills were supposed to HELP me to sleep better, not keep me awake. Take for example Friday Dec 23: I woke up at 3am and just laid there for two hours not knowing what to do with myself. I finally got up at 5.30 when E awoke also. I went to bed at 23.50 Christmas Eve and woke up at 3am again. It took me at LEAST an hour or so to GET to sleep in the first place, so I reckon I might have gotten 2hrs if that. So, I finally got an hour or so of sleep on the couch, but it wasn't enough and I think it was Monday Dec 26 before I actually got a half decent night's sleep! I won't be taking THOSE again in a hurry!

E went to work on Monday and grabbed a few hours overtime. When he came back, we were crazy enough to go to Best Buy and then the mall to spend some of our money we'd gotten off his parents. He got Call of Duty 2 for the Play Station and I got a cute shirt and camisole set and a skirt in Dillard's. Neither were in the sale, but it's not often I have money to spend on clothing, so I just bought what I liked as opposed to what was available in my size in the sale!

Yesterday, we had an appointment to let Service King inspect the car. This is how that went:

It started off bad. Hubs started the car, I got in, we pulled away slowly. Thump, thump, thump. Sh*t. Flat tire. On top of everything else, this crumpled up mess also has a flat. Luckily, my dad bought me an air machine a few Christmases ago and it has served us well! One inflated tire later and we pull away again.

By the time we get to the exit of the apartment complex, I am hanging on to the door handle for dear life and am crying uncontrollably. This is the first time we have used the car in over three weeks and I really thought I was getting better at going out on the roads again (even if it was just as a passenger). Memories of the accident come flooding back and once more I am lying on a spinal board with my head strapped down and a neck brace on. My pulse is 123 once more and I am "not stable enough to be moved yet". My life is flashing before me and all I can think of is "I'm going to die in the back of an ambulance".

We finally get there, go through the story of the UNDER estimate that her insurance company have offered us and ask that they check it out properly and all. WE have to call back today to schedule an appointment to drop it off. He seems to think it will be at LEAST a 14 day job. Oh well, more car rental money from them then I guess. They gave us a check for 9 days' worth and anymore than that, then we are to contact them for some more. *sigh*

I honestly cannot see myself driving anytime soon and certainly not in THAT car. It's just way too scary for me to deal with and I think we would be better off to just sell it and move on honestly.

This morning I wake up like I have had my head twisted up in a vice all night. I can't take any meds yet as it is too early and then I will not have any left by the time I need to go to bed. It's the lesser of two evils for now, but sucks big time. That reminds me, I need to get some more Darvocet off the Dr and again, he never called me back yesterday. I also need to get this physio crap scheduled. Would help if he'd called back with the name and number. Luckily hubs has located one not too far from here who is on our plan.

I haven't told you how much my little trip to the ER cost: $9351.50 (that's just for the room and SOME tests). The ER Dr then wants another $510, the path lab $48.19 and the ambulance company with their cab ride of course.....$971! Thank god we have insurance to cover this and thank god the other driver was insured also.

I guess now that I have written all of this out, I am almost at "drug time", so I will go make myself some food and get some drugs down my neck. TTFN.


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