Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Blame it on Lou!

Seven things I hope to do before I die:
1) Swim with the dolphins.
2) Be wealthy and not scraping the coinage from the back of the sofa every time I want to buy something!
3) Have another baby.
4) Go to Las Vegas (sad, but true) and stay in a fancy hotel not just the one we can AFFORD.
5) See my children grow up healthy, happy and intelligent. (sorry, gonna "borrow this one off Lou")
6) Build my dream home to my specifications, not the builder's run of the mill pattern!
7) Own my own health club and spa with 24hr creche facilities!

Seven things I cannot do:
1) A hand stand (or head stand for that matter)
2) Go on a boat. I am terrified of them (and get really bad sea sickness too). All round scary thing.
3) Bring the dead back to life/restore ill health. This is the one thing I wish I could do.
4) Eat slimey sea food & shell fish like octopus, squid, mussels, crabs legs or anything with blood, bones and skin still attached etc Give me a skinless, boned chicken breast and I am happy! Want me to throw up? Present me with rare steak! *blurgh*
5) Give up watching British soaps!
6) Understand how people can hurt innocent children or animals.
7) Tolerate liars.

Seven things that attracted me to my spouse:
1) His big, sexy, blue eyes.
2) His sense of humor.
3) His sensitivity.
4) His cute dimples when he smiled.
5) Seeing him in his BDU's (military battle dress uniform) *growl*
6) His American accent.
7) Him calling and emailing me all through the day and night telling me how much he missed and loved me!

Seven things I say often:
1) Tabitha, idgey boo. Idgey boo Tabitha! (don't ask, seriously, DON'T ask!)
2) I love you BIG bits!
3) How much do you love me? (Right before I want him to do something for me! LOL)
4) Ow, my neck hurts!
5) You wanna watch some soaps or something off TiVO?
6) Do you wanna do rude fings?
7) DOPP!! (again, just don't ask!)

Seven books/series I love:
1) Harry Potter series by JK Rowling.
2) The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe by CS Lewis.
3) The Prison Diaries by Jeffrey Archer.
4) Princess by Jean Sassoon.
5) Nobody, Someday by Robbie Williams.
6) Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll.
7) Bridget Jones's Diary by Helen Fielding.

Seven movies I could watch over and over again:
1) Top Gun.
2) Hellboy.
3) The Lion King.
4) Finding Nemo.
5) Leon.
6) Bridget Jone's Diary (either one).
7) Wizard of Oz.

Seven people I want to join the seven sevens meme:
1) Gem. (password protected)
2) Kel.
3) Jeanne.
4) Jennie.
5) Lynn.
6) Sasoozie.
7) Jaana. (password protected)


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