Friday, December 09, 2005

Will it ever be the same again?

As the days go by, I wonder if it will ever be the same again. I am dosed up to the eyeballs on three different pain meds just to keep the pain somewhat under control. They help a bit, but for the most part, I am hurting 24/7. The only time I am unaware of the pain, is when I am asleep. I know when my next dose of drugs is due, as the pain starts to worsen.

I gave my statement on Tuesday and to date, they STILL have not gotten a statement off the other driver. I am fast losing my patience with this, and I really think it's time to call in the dogs (attourney). One of my clients said he would help us find one if necessary, so maybe now, we need to call that favor in. It's riddiculous - in NO way was this our fault, but we are the ones suffering because of it!

Christmas is fast approaching and we have bought NOTHING for each other and only stuff for C that my parents transferred funds for. I have one gift bought for my niece which is being shipped tomorrow and that is it. I don't have any money to buy anything for E or C and the gift we have on layaway for her needs to be collected this coming Tuesday. Luckily, we can float a check as he gets paid on Thursday. We could have done without us being down to one driver and one car in the household, medical co-pays and one wage going down the tubes. Thanks for that Ms Dodge-Grand-Caravan-Driver. I hope you have a nice Xmas!


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