Thursday, December 15, 2005

I just want my life back...

The past couple of days have been weird and annoying. Take Tuesday for example.

I sent E off to Walmart with layaway receipt and checkbook in hand to get C's present. I asked him to get a DVD to go with it. He comes back hissing and spitting because they would not let him PAY THE BALANCE and collect it. They said it was in MY name and I had to go get it. He tried to explain I was sick with whiplash, couldn't drive and was home looking after the child whom the present was intended for. NOPE! They would NOT budge an inch. Ok, so they wouldn't let him pay off for MY stuff and take it away. But WHY did they let someone who wasn't on the account ADD an item to it? What it's ok for someone to bump up my bill for me, but not to reduce the payments and take it home for me he asked?! Grrrrrr.

Yesterday was a very trying day indeed. We got sprung by the apartment managers for having two cats we were not supposed to have. So $600 later, we can keep them here and worry about how much of the $300 deposit we will actually get back when we leave and how we are going to replace the money to our closing costs/new furniture fund for the new house we're building. Yes, I did say only $300 was deposit, the other is payment. These cats are turning into an expensive deal all round!

Again, a trip to Walmart. We are on the last day to collect the gift. Only I have to be there to get it and he has to be there cause I cannot drive and get there without him. The kid whom the gift is for has to be there. Ok, covert operation time. "You take the kid and I'll get the "thingy" and I will put it in the trunk and meet you in the electronics dept when I am done!" I growl under my breath as we whisk across the parking lot.

I get to the counter at Layaway and start groaning about why my husband couldn't get it the day before. "Well when you signed up for layaway, you were asked if you wanted someone to be added to the account..." she spouts at me. "WHOA, wait a minute. NO-ONE asked me that. If they had of done, I would have said YES, put my husband on it!" Many apologies later and I am assigned a disgruntled employee to take it out to the car for me. He tries every which way but loose to get it into the trunk. Uh uh, it ain't going in there. So it goes on the back seat and I take off my hoodie and denim jacket (leaving me with just my jeans and t-shirt on in 45F climate) to cover it from the eyes of both C and any potential crack addicts looking for such items to steal out of cars! I whisk back inside to find E & C who are drooling over Playstation games and drag them off to the car again. "What you couldn't get it in the trunk?!" he growls and glares at me. "Ummm, do you not think I would have got it in the trunk if it fitted?!" I snapped back. MEN! Anyhoo, we got it inside without too much suspicion being aroused (she thought it was for him) and it's hidden away.

I also ordered hub's present from It's the best I can do when I am housebound. I am sure he will like my choice of gift, although I am not sure if it's the first thing on his list.

Yesterday and today I have been in a lot of pain. My neck and shoulders seem to be tightening up and I have a constant ache in my left shoulder that feels like I slept funny. The pain killers don't KILL the pain, they just take the edge off of it. I don't want to be too graphic on here, but I tried to resume some normal activity last night with E and I had to give up as I had sharp pains shooting through my lower back. I just want my life back. PLEASE?

We have a personal injury lawyer meeting with us next Weds to discuss our options. Now that is not to say we are retaining him, just seeing what we can do and what will be the best solution. I don't feel like I am getting any better and I am sh*t scared that it will be lasting in some way or another. I guess I will know more after my Dr appointment on Monday. Her insurance company has STILL not gotten back to us since last week. If I call over there, I am going to get all stressed out again and I just need to be chilling right now. I really think we need a lawyer to do the legwork.

E has gone for his last class tonight and then out for a meal with the other classmates. Meanwhile, back at the batcave, C and I dined on hotdogs and cheeto puffs as there is bugger all else to eat. I had a smoothie for breakfast and skipped lunch as there was nothing but hotdogs. Another trip to the dreaded Walmart tomorrow to get some food. *sigh*

I have a banging headache which I can't take anything for (as it all clashes horribly with my existing pain meds) and I have another hour before I can take any of those. You would think with the amount of aspirin, narcotic, Ibuprofen and muscle relaxants I am taking, that SOMETHING would help me. Waaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh. I JUST WANT MY LIFE BACK!


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