Saturday, December 10, 2005

One week on...

We drove to see our patch of dirt today. I asked Eric to take a different route as I really didn't want to go the same way as last week. The pictures of what they have done so far can be found HERE. It overflows onto a second page so don't forget to check that out too. Sorry it's not more exciting, but these things take time and inspectors are a slow as mud. :-(

The anti-inflammatories made me feel really sick, so I switched them out for good ol' reliable Ibuprofen instead. I called the pharmacy first and they said it would be fine. I must admit I am feeling a bit high today, but they may be due to going out in the fresh air and walking about as opposed to resting inside. I dunno. I am still in a lot of pain and the insurance company are really dragging their heels over this. I have called one of my clients who offered some assistance and left a message for him to call me back. He thinks he may know an attourney who can fight in our corner. Keep everything crossed for us, because I am getting mixed signals off people about this.

My back is killing me, so I am outta here!


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