Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Gimme my meds!

Still feeling rough and in pain. The meds help somewhat, but I would just like my life back!

Her insurance assessor came to inspect my car yesterday. Could have done without that honestly as the guy was a prize A-hole! When he opened the car door and had to force it to do so, I had flashbacks of the accident and me trying to get the door open from the inside after we'd just been spun round. I couldn't help myself and the tears just started rolling down my face. Cold as a fish, he said they would be in touch with an estimate/check. Just like that. *shakes head*. Makes me so mad!

I did have a nice surprise from work though: my check came through together with a $200 bonus! I emailed R to find out why and she said it was my Christmas Bonus from the members that ALL the employees get. I'm not REALLY an employee there as I am a contractor, but I am certainly not going to turn it down! Maybe I can get E's Christmas present after all!

Now, I am going to have some more of my drugs and hope it stops my lower back and my neck hurting. I feel like ass today.


Blogger LDR said...

I'm sorry you ended up with a jerk for an insurance appraiser. We're not all like that... some of us are nice, compassionate and helpful. I hope you get a great settlement on your vehicle.

Congrats on the x-mas bonus! My company "forgot" to pay me on the 9th (the payroll clerk didn't enter my check). I got my bonus, but didn't get paid... nice huh? They overnited me a check yesterday.

Hope you feel better soon... has your Doc considered physical therapy? You should be feeling a smidgen better by now... a smidgen... not a whole lot, but a smidgen...

15 December, 2005 00:37  

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