Sunday, January 01, 2006

A new day, a new year

Happy New Year! Okay, now I have got the formalities out of the way, let's get on with the blog!

Two more visits to the house since I last blogged and lots more work done. You can check that out by clicking the new house link over there - - - - >.

Pain has been more bearable since I got my refill of narcotic drugs! God, that sounds bad, but hey, they work! You can tell when you need some more as the pain starts to creep up on you though. Still no news on what physio I will be going to see. Oh well.

E got to come home early on Friday which was nice and he took us out to eat at
Bennigan's. He said we had been there before, but I honestly could NOT remember it for the life of me. (Must be getting old). The meal was enjoyable apart from the woman behind me who must have been on anti-depressants of some sort as she kept jiggling her legs the whole time she ate her food which cause our side of the booth to shake. If circumstances had been different, I might have enjoyed the washing machine effect LOL Luckily, they had gotten there before us, so left us to enjoy our shake free meal in peace!

This morning, we drove to the club to see D the barber whom I work with. No such luck. The Barbers Shop was closed. I guess he decided to close until the New Year. I popped into the lunch room and caught up with my dear friend R. I've missed our girly chats every day and she was surprised to see me!

After the club, we drove to the house and checked out more work and took some pictures. We had Quizno's for lunch which although expensive for sub sandwiches at $20 for the three of us, it was G-O-O-D!

E has been talking about getting new cell phones for a few weeks now and I had pointed out that I liked the Motorola RAZR V3 as it was so slim, has a really nice long standby time and had the video and camera function amongst other things. So, we went to check them out. T-Mobile seemed to have the best deal around and only required a ONE year contract when most were asking for a 2yr one to save an extra $10-20 or so. Some were even more than that! We got two phones for $162! BUT, we couldn't get the family plan on either of our credit scores so had to get our own lines individually. Oh well, it was only slightly more and it will help to build up BOTH of our credit scores! The phone is sooooooo cute and all day we have been saying "We've got new phones!". Now is the icky task of transferring all of the numbers over from the old one. We could do it by the sim card, but I would rather just do it manually and weed out ones I don't need anymore.

Got hubby to take me to Scrapbook Warehouse today and bought myself a mini sewing machine. I have loved some of the work I have seen Lou doing where she stitches her pieces of layout together and decided to give it a shot! Of course I had to buy some Christmas doo-dads and papers and stuff. However, having said that, do NOT expect to see red and green layouts from me! I REFUSE to conform! LOL

We popped into Best Buy to get E a new case for his phone and then came home to veg out.

So much for seeing the new year in. He fell asleep on the couch at about 10pm and I carried on watching soaps and messing with stuff on here after they'd finished. I did kiss him at midnight and wished him a happy new year to which I got the thumbs up and a happy new year back and once again, sleeping beauty is snoring again!

Ok, so this is a break down month by month of 2005 for us:

E out of work for the first part of month
Had to give our Oldsmobile Silhouette Van back due to the above
I finally get my work permit through
I had an early miscarriage and spent a few hours in the ER
E starts new job working for temping agency. Is place at oil tool manufacturing plant in Grand Prairie with possibility of becoming permanent

E enjoying work and gets a bit of overtime here and there
Finance company on his car try to repossess it
Inlaws bail us out and pay off the dogs
We enjoy our first Valentine's as Mr & Mrs
We start having E's kids come over for a weekend to test the waters
We have a hot Easter with gooey chocolate!

I am still job hunting, but not finding anyone who can be bothered to take up UK references

My parents, brother and his wife and child come over to Texas to visit. We do the sight seeing thing and they get to see New Orleans (my dad's dream destination).
I find what may be the ideal job for me at a fancy golf club about 45miles from home
We fall out with E's parents over Mother's Day and what they think is traditional and what is not! Nasty emails are sent and heated phone calls terminate the relationship

Mother's Day out with E's ex-wife and kids. (MY idea actually) It went ok and we were civil to each other
My birthday - man I feel old. E got me a gorgeous dragonfly necklace
I started working at the above mentioned fancy golf club as their manicurist
Courtney starts going to daycare
E loses the job that they said they would hire him at.
The club GIVES me $1000 to help out until things improve

My parents lend us some cash to buy a second car
We drive to Houston and buy my sexy red Sebring convertible woo hoo!
I take up scrapbooking at last and put the supplies I have been stockpiling to good use
E and I celebrate our first wedding anniversary. He buys me the earrings to match the necklace he got me for my birthday!
E finds a job working for another temporary agency over in Plano. This means a LONG drive each day for us both

E gets a permanent position back in Grand Prairie at an avionics company right across the street from the temp place! LOL

C turns 9 and we have a sleepover for her and five of her friends. The first and last time!
She gets a PC and desk in her room and webcams/emails/messages my family back in the UK
C starts 3rd Grade and has a really nice teacher

We've been in Texas for one year today (Sep 12)
Hurricane Rita could have hit us, but whistled by East of us

We decide we are ready to build a house and start over
We get mortgage approval and go for it
Eric gets hired as a permanent member of staff and gets full benefits
We go to Boo at the Zoo with the kids

I decide enough is enough and make a deal with Eric to go sort things out with his parents
One of my clients at the club dies of a stroke
We have the kids over for Thanksgiving
They break ground on our house

We get t-boned by some stupid b**** who runs a stop sign. My beautiful car is a mess and I end up with whiplash
I have to stop work at the club and we now try to survive on one income and with one car/driver
We have a good Christmas with the kids sleeping over from Christmas Eve
We get new cell phones and snore our way into the new year!


Blogger Randi said...

I am SO jealous you got a Motorola RAZR. That's the coolest looking phone out there. Hope you enjoy it! My phone is the "Free with service sign-up" type phone, so there's not much cool about it other than at least it is still small enough to fit in a small purse!

02 January, 2006 06:21  
Blogger DenimRose said...

Alyssa, it is to die for, seriously! It's such a cool little phone! Dependant on your provider, you can get them quite reasonably as an upgrade. Or just change to a new provider, get a new contract and by the time your contract expires, it may be free. I know they have upgradede this phone further and it's outdated already! LOL I have a nice new purse with a pocket inside it which is perfect for the RAZR to slide into. Weeeee.

05 January, 2006 07:36  

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