Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Home Alone

E took yesterday off work and we drove to see Andrea (our Insurance lady). She was sympathetic and offered us quite a lot of advice on the matter. We cannot do anything to start the process until we have got the other driver's details. Crazy I know, but the cops wouldn't let E talk to her after they arrived so we are none the wiser as to who she is insured with. E did see a liability card so we know she IS insured at least. We contacted some people "in the know" and we got a name, address and VIN number for her vehicle. Her phone number appears to be unlisted and the van used to be registered to her husband. It's amazing what a couple of calls can come up with! As far as the rest of the stuff goes, we need that police report to be completed before we can go further with it. *sigh*

We managed to get a Dr to check us both out yesterday. He reckons I am looking at 4-6weeks, maybe longer. He prescribed some more pain pills, muscle spasm pills and some anti-inflammatories. He didn't understand why the hospital gave me such a short prescription when they should KNOW that injuries like this take a long time to recover from! He said my neck muscles were extremely tight. It hurt a lot when he was trying to move my head about. :-(

E has been advised to take some pain/anti-inflammatories for his back and neck/shoulder. He's not as bad as me, but is still in a certain amount of discomfort. He cannot take what I am taking as he would not be able to work legally for the FAA with those in his system. We really cannot afford to have BOTH of us without an income!

C went to see him today and was given the all clear. She is a bit achy and bruised, but she's a tough cookie and has come out fighting! (Thank God).

So, E took me to get my drugs at the pharmacy: they were out of stock of the anti-inflammatories and will have them in tomorrow lunchtime. He's gone to work now and I am at home bored and in pain. I may watch some TV soon as sitting here is making me hurt. *sigh*

Yesterday we got some Xmas shopping done while we still could and had dinner at Spring Creek Barbecue. It was ok, but expensive for what it was. Personally, I prefer Boston Market, but oh well.

Ok, I am out of here. Talk soon.


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