Friday, January 13, 2006

Let's get physical, physical...

I started physiotherapy yesterday. This is how that went:

I fill out a mountain (or so it seems) of icky paperwork. I then get introduced to Melissa who is going to be my physiotherapist. She takes me through into this room that looks a bit like a gym but with lots of other weird gadgets and gizmos in it. She starts asking me tons of questions and taking notes. She does a few tests on me to see what hurts and what kind of pain I am feeling (ummm...the kind that hurts?). I also do some strength tests in my arms and legs. The legs are linked to the lower back problems and the arms are linked to the neck and shoulder problems. For someone who used to work out 3-4 times a week, I am as weak as a kitten and can barely resist her with any of the tests she does. *sigh* Then we go through some exercises.

I see her approach me with what looks like the thing they take your blood pressure with. She inflates the cushion behind the curve in my lower back and asks me to push my tummy back in against it thus forcing my back to flatten said cushion. She hands me the gauge and tells me it has to drop to 20 when relaxed and go passed 40 when I am pushing. It wasn't easy and I felt pain in my back when doing it, but she says it will help me in the long run. She called those pelvic tilts.

Now I have to do some "Bridges". I am laying on my back with my knees bent and the soles of my feet on the bed. She asks that I raise my butt off the couch as high as I can. OUCH. Needless to say, my butt doesn't get very far! :-(

She then wants me to try and push my neck against another inflatable pillow thingy and get the gauge to go as high as I can. That didn't feel too good either.

Some stretching and head pulling to loosen up the neck muscles too.

I can do these exercises at home despite not having the inflatable thingy and suggests a few times a day will help.

Now to the fun/weird stuff. We go over to another couch and I am asked to lay on my tummy and rest my forehead on my hands which I have formed into an open triangle shape. Melissa starts kneading, pushing, rubbing, various parts of my neck and the back of my head, not to mention pulling my head (I wonder if it will come off in her hands, now THAT would be funny LOL). Now for the most part, this felt good and I was actually getting some kind of sick relief from it. THEN, she moves down to my lower back and starts pushing with I would say most of her body weight onto various areas. I can feel my eyes filling up with tears as the pain shoots through my spine. What a relief when that is over!

Now onto the really nice part! I have about 8 pads stuck to my neck, shoulders and lower back/top of my butt. I am then asked to lay down over the top of two pads, each covered with a towel. The pads are very warm, like a hot bath kind of mperature. Not uncomfortable, but just nice, ya know? Then the real fun starts! Have any of you ever had a "Slender Tone" treatment for weight loss/losing inches? Well it was kind of like that. These pads started to vibrate and I could set them to a level I felt comfy with. So I am set to "bake" for 15mins. It felt really good and I could feel it starting to help me big time. Then Melissa straps herself to my bent legs and starts to lean back. "This is traction Tracy and it's going to help to pull out your back some". OUCH. I didn't like that part!

One sweaty back, neck and a $13.50 co-pay later, I am off on my way! My next appointment is Tuesday.

This morning, I feel horrible (just like she said I would). Nothing is easing the pain today and even standing in the hot shower's cascade didn't take the edge off it one bit. Someone put me to sleep PLEASE?!

The car saga continue-eth. We have STILL not heard back about the car as to what her insurance company intend to do about our totaled vehicle. They are not returning our phone calls, nor are they returning Service King's phone calls. The car was totaled TEN days ago and they should have done SOMETHING by now. So, the matter is now being passed over to the Department of Insurance and being treated as an official complaint! This company have done nothing but mess us about from day one!

I've been listing some stuff on Ebay to try and help get some money coming in and out of the 9 items, one has already sold. Now if we can just get the other stuff to sell...


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