Monday, November 28, 2005

Happy Birthday Hubby!!

Today is E's birthday! He is the ripe old age of 28! My yummy toy boy *drool*.

We presented his cards and pressies in bed this morning then we both drove C to daycare and then to IHOP for brekkies. International Passport Breakfast with Crepes went down a treat! We then bummed around some stores looking at stuff for the new house and potential Christmas gifties for the kids and alike. We checked out our patch of dirt to see if they started a day earlier than planned and no change. Oh well.

We've gone on a month-to-month with our apartment now as our lease was due to expire next month. It's going to cost us an extra $110 a month, but we don't have any choice.

Watched another seven episodes of Corrie today (to go with the 36 episodes of Corrie and Eastenders we have watched over the weekend!) We've caught up on both by a month so are now only 3 months behind! *phew*

Anyway, going to get ready now as we're going to Saltgrass for dinner! Woo hoo!


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