Wednesday, November 23, 2005

2 down, 3 to go!

Okay, the cranberry sauce is done. Some frozen for Christmas Dinner and some ready for tomorrow for Turkey Day.

I have not one, but TWO pumpkin pies baking as I type. The recipe said it made ONE 9inch pie, but I have two of them. Luckily I had two pie shells and just yanked the other one out of the freezer. I guess we can freeze one. I like pumpkin pie no matter what time of year it is!

All that is left for tomorrow now (for me anyways) is to do the stuffing, broken potatoes and green beans with almonds.

Man the apartment smells good right now.

More drama with his mother. *sigh* TWO things:

1. The kids are NOT welcome on Thanksgiving Day at her house. Now don't get me wrong, she didn't say that exactly, but it's been made obvious she doesn't want them there. Quote: "What I am trying to say is if you would rather drop them at home on your way over so that you can relax for the afternoon we would understand" End Quote. Now the way we have BOTH interpreted her email is this: God, are you bringing those damn kids here AGAIN? Jeeze, this is the holidays and we don't want them here on a holiday spoiling our day!

Well guess what "Mom", it's all or nothing! You either have the kids there with us, or you don't get to see us either. We have them until early evening and we assumed you would WANT to see your grandbabies on Thanksgiving.

2. E, C and I are going out for E's birthday on Monday night. Apparently, his parents are too busy with their friends (no surprise there then) and the church to celebrate the birth of their only child. I cannot say as I am surprised at this as they pulled the same sh*t last year. *sigh*

I guess the last seven months of us not talking has been forgotten and she has slipped back into old ways. I guess you CAN'T teach an old dog new tricks. *shrugs*

If I don't get back on here again tonight, Happy Thanksgiving all!!


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