Monday, November 21, 2005

Turkey Day approacheth

Went to get our Thanksgiving groceries last night at the local Tom Thumb. They were doing the same deal as last year: spend $50 on groceries and get an 8-12lb turkey for free. Works for me! Although they are as a rule of thumb more expensive than many places we choose to shop at, they have a different range of products and as they say "Variety is the spice of life".

So, we trundle round the store picking up the ingredients for my Thanksgiving menu and we spot this fizzy wine which is all fruity and sounded yummy. It was only cheap stuff and as neither of us are huge drinkers, we thought this would be nice for Turkey day. Anyway, we get to the check out and we start unloading the cart onto the belt. The checkout nerd asks for some ID for the wine. I get my shiny new driver's license out and flash it to him. I figure that at 36 years old, I am more than old enough to be able to purchase said wine. Not satisfied with checking MY ID, he then wants to know if E is old enough to buy alcohol. I retorted back that "It doesn't matter how old HE is, you have already seen my ID and that should be sufficient!" The snotty little twit then comes back at me (whilst snatching the wine off the belt and hugging it close to his chicken chest) "The person who put it on the belt has to be over 21 also". By this time, I was starting to see red. "Ok, if you REALLY want to be THAT anal about it. It was ME who put it on the belt. Do you STILL need to see his damn ID?" Man I was about ready to start popping those zits all over his face with my fist! Poor E just wanted to die of embarrassment! I am not the sort of person to be walked over (by ANYONE) and this KID really got my back up.

We took the groceries home and I vowed I would NOT be shopping at that branch anymore. We then went off to eat at Boston Market. I had honey glazed ham with mashed potatoes, brown gravy, corn and cornbread washed down with lemonade. Man, I have not had that in almost a YEAR!

We watched a couple of things off Tivo yesterday, but nothing to really blog about. I DID find some old episodes of Soldier Soldier on my special website I visit. I got the whole first season to watch which should be fun. I used to LOVE that show! After trying to find you a nice link to look at, I have seen that they plan on making a US version of the show. Hmmm. Not sure if I will like that too much or not.

Turkey Day menu is as follows:

Turkey *duh*
Gravy (imported granules mixed with turkey juices)
Paula Deen's Cranberry Sauce
Jamie Oliver's Broken Potatoes
Green Beans with Almonds
Apple & Sausage Stuffing
Paula Deen's Pumpkin Pie (of course)
Key Lime Pie (bought from work)

I am in charge of the recipe stuff and E is in charge of the turkey and gravy. I think he got off lightly, don't you? LOL

Anyhoo, I have some stuff to be getting on with like making breakfast, getting C up and sorting out today's agenda. I will catch up with you later I guess. Bye for now.


Blogger LDR said...

So you're having a Paula Deen Thanksgiving huh?! LOL! I'da taken the bottle of cheap fizzy wine and told the clerk to put it someplace that might require surgical removal...

My turkey's in the fridge defrosting and I'm still composing the T-Day menu... beginning with brining the turkey or not...first decision to make.... eek! Happy Holidays to you & yours :)

21 November, 2005 20:24  

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