Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Spoiling my mood

Yesterday started out really well. I took C to see Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire. It was a great watch, even though it was 2hrs and 23mins long. Stunning effects, good story (even though they chopped out a crapload of it) and it was enjoyed by us both. It was a PG-13, but I said she could watch it as she HAD read the book. There were kids much younger that her watching it too!

Then we went to Cracker Barrel for lunch and to buy my mom a present for her 70th birthday this coming Friday. I have been trying to get her a purse I saw a couple of months ago, but each time I go there, it isn't there and it didn't look like they were going to re-stock. *sigh* So, I managed to find her a really nice chenille cardigan with fall leaves in varying hues appliqued down the sides. It also had an organza ribbon trim on the cuffs and patch pockets. It had been reduced from $50 down to $33. They wrapped it and put a bow and tag on it and we shot off to the Post Office to ship it. $11 lighter, we came back home. By this time, my head was starting to pound. I decide to take a nap and try to sleep it off as opposed to pumping more painkillers into my system.

I slept for two hours until E came home. Then suddenly the fun REALLY began.

How dare I spend MORE on MY mom's birthday than I did on his? The fact that I bought something for EACH person with THEM specifically in mind knowing they would appreciate and actually USE the present didn't enter into his thought process. All he could think about was HOW MUCH I SPENT. I used MY credit card to buy his mom's present and MY bank account to pay for the $15 worth of cards I had to get for the busy birthday month of November. But I dared to use the JOINT bank account to buy my mom something and ship it to the UK. GOD FORBID he should contribute. He failed to recognize that he put NOTHING towards his OWN mother's gift and card. I then got yelled at for not using my money to take C to the movies with or to lunch. It's ok for HIM to take his buddies at work out for $25, but he begrudges his own wife and step child a $12 lunch once in a while. I threw my joint bank card at him together with $10 and told him to shove them both up his fat, hairy arse! They are still sitting here this morning, only they have been moved to my PC desk.

It really pisses me off. The only money I am ALLOWED to spend (and even then get criticized for it - how DARE I have my own money), is my tips and cash customers stuff. I don't ask him to pay for any of my "maintenance stuff" (hair, nails, tanning etc) I pay for it all. My check that I get from work goes into the house fund and I see NOTHING of it. Why the f*** shouldn't I get my mom something nice for her birthday. I mean, Jeeeeez, I can't be there with her for her 70th, so the least I can do is ship something to her. It's not HER fault I am not there on her special day after all.

He apologized for being an ass, and as usual, I quoted "Yeah, you're only sorry until next time you're an ass!" He didn't like that, but it's true.

I tried to bury myself in a little cookery to take my mind off things. I made the Cranberry Sauce for Turkey Day. Man it smelt out of this world!! It yielded enough for the five of us (3 kids, E and me) for the day itself and enough to go into the freezer for Christmas Dinner too. Woo hoo. Who needs scented candles when you've got cranberry sauce chilling in the kitchen?!

I was guilt tripped into cutting short our soap session last night and going to bed early (he was asleep before I got out of the shower). I wasn't tired and it just brought bad feelings back to the surface again. I hope today will be a better day. Although judging by the pissy mood C is in today, I doubt it. KIDS! *sigh*


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