Saturday, December 03, 2005


Today, we drove over to Ft Worth to check out our dirt. They have the footboards down, so we went to check it out and take some pics.

On the way back, we have to cross at a 4 way stop sign to get back onto 35W to head home. This is what happened:

I get to the stop sign, come to a complete stop (like a good girl). Nothing coming other than a red van to my left who is about 6-8ft from the line and stop sign on her side when I pull out. She RUNS the stop sign, hits me hard on the driver's side and spins the car round TWICE almost a full 360 degrees each time.

The blue IS-35W sign and arrow is the way we were going! The grass is where we came to a stop!

A closer look at the damage to my car

Luckily, she had full insurance!

Even luckier, C and E were not injured. I however went to hospital in an ambulance with a neck brace and strapped to a spine board. We spent around 4 hrs in the ER whilst they did numerous cat scans and x-rays to give me an ok to go home. I have bruising to my shoulder where the seat belt cut into me, bruising to my right arm where the gear shift or handbrake "got me", bad bruising and swelling to my knee where it hit the steering column and bad pain in my neck from the base of my skull to between my shoulder blades and then again in my lower back. Oh and I have pain in my lower flank where my spleen and kidney is etc.

The cat scans showed no major internal organs were damaged, but I was advised to be alert if I get stomach pains in the next few days and no fractures or breaks (thank God). I have muscle spasms and a lot of pain. They gave me two types of pill to help with this that make me both dizzy and drowsy.

I cannot drive, and therefore cannot get to work. Even if I COULD get to work, I couldn't physically do the job because of all the bending and stuff. It's started to get busier for the holidays too! I think I feel a lawsuit coming on.....


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