Sunday, December 04, 2005

Today is a new day, right?

Today I woke up at about 0600 feeling like I had gone ten rounds with Mike Tyson. My neck and left shoulder REALLY ache like crazy and I have some pretty bruising starting to spring up in places I never knew got hurt. *sigh* The drugs help somewhat, but make me feel VERY dizzy and lightheaded. I guess I can't have it all. I plan to take it easy for the next week or so and get myself back on track.

C has some bruising on her leg and tummy/hip area and is complaining of her neck aching now. E says his shoulder hurts where the seat belt cut into him, but they both do not want to get checked out. *sigh*

I got the "house" photos up. Or should I say PLOT photos? If you look carefully, you can see my Sebring in its former glory in the background of the panoramic view of the back of the plot. Who would have thunk it? Not more than ten minutes later we would be in a car wreck. :-(

You can see our "house" as it goes up HERE.

I am going to chill out on the couch for a bit. Catch ya later.


Blogger Randi said...

Hi there - Thanks for reading my blog! I have to play catch-up to read some of your entries but I am so glad you're ok (or at least no major injuries) after that car accident!

04 December, 2005 11:57  
Blogger DenimRose said...

Thanks so much Alyssa! We're all grateful to be alive!

04 December, 2005 12:09  

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