Sunday, November 20, 2005

Drama Llama

So tired of this BS every other weekend. K wants to go home (again). I told her that her mom will come get her later. "What's taking so long? I miss Momma. I wanna go home". Then J takes her back into the bedroom and announces to C "Cwying again. Here comes da cwy baby". (He has issues with his pronounciation of R's and L's). I feel unloved, unwanted and a total lack of tact and respect around here. Who can blame them after all? I am ONLY their step mom. Their dad is not here, so why SHOULD they want to be here stuck with ME? I'm tired of making the effort to be "Miss Popular". It doesn't get me anywhere but angry and upset.

All in all, it's hardly condusive to a pleasant weekend. I wish E would hurry up and come home. Grocery shopping by myself would be a treat compared to this. *sigh*


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