Sunday, November 20, 2005

Strange week

This week has been a strange one.

Firstly, the most noticeable thing has been the sudden change in weather here. We have finally gone from having the AC on, to having the heating on. It's still not what I would call coat weather yet, but certainly colder than it has been. We've had high 50's to high 60's as our highs and anywhere from 32F to 45F as our lows. I don't know if I will ever get used to Texas weather!

I did a pedicure on Tuesday and had to control myself to where I didn't throw up. Now I know K will be gagging as she reads this, so it may not do you any good to read this next paragraph hun!

**Reader Discretion Advisory START**

Mr S as I will discreetly name him is in his late 70's/early 80's and is not in the best of shape. He has been a cash manicure client of mine since day one at the club. He is also a diabetic and has a LOT of medication to take. Well, last month, he asked if I could give him a pedicure. Reluctantly I agreed as feet and I do not go well together (unless they are MY feet of course). Anyhoo, he comes in for his appointment rattling on about how he is a diabetic and I mustn't cut him as he cannot afford to get an infection and possible gangrene. (Nothing like a bit of pressure whilst you work eh?) So I get to work, set up my area and then he takes off his shoes and socks. OMFG I nearly threw up there and then! His toenails extended over the ends of his toes as long as my fingernails do (and trust me, I have long fingernails!) They were yellow, ridged, split, peeling, you name it, they were it! I soaked him in the sanitizing, deodorizing soak and set to work on trimming them with the clippers. The nails started breaking apart and were soft like cheese. The smell emanating from his feet wasn't pleasant either. *blurgh* His nails were separating from the nail bed and they were just falling apart (literally). His toes were covered in dry skin and corns and he had peeling skin on his heels and callouses to die for. I did the best I could do for him under the circumstances and refused his requests to CUT his callouses and trim his nails back further than I had already done. Diabetics suffer badly with their feet and are susceptible to gangrene and serious infections due to their lack of circulation and poor healing in the lower regions. After that ordeal, I didn't want any lunch for a good two hours afterwards. It had literally made me feel physically sick. The worst part: he's booked in for next month for another one. *sigh*

**Reader Discretion Advisory END**

Work was fairly busy (for me anyways) and I got enough cash tips and clients to pay for my hair cut and color this weekend. I always feel so much better once I have my hair done. I got two shades of blonde highlights put through it and lots of them. It's made a huge difference!

Yesterday we had lunch at my mother in laws as it was her birthday. We took the kids with us and they drove everyone loopy! By 1500hrs, E was ready to head off home. K started her usual BS over wanting to go home and not being hungry. I decided I am not going to play her mind games over food anymore. I told her then she would be hungry later and we would eat without her. Once I started serving up dinner, she asked what we were having and could she "Watch J & C eat". I told her no, if she wasn't eating dinner, that she would stay in the bedroom and leave us to eat in peace. We had the rest of the mozzarella stuffed meatballs I made a couple of weeks ago with a twice baked potato and mixed veggies. It was good. K wouldn't have eaten what I made anyway as she doesn't like anything made with ground beef. PERIOD. Oh well. She will have to learn to like it or just eat veggies, cause I am NOT making anything special. I am so tired of her food tantrums. Combine that with their horrible table manners and it makes for a very stressful mealtime. *sigh*

I have a list of things to get done today and cannot do any of them with three kids in tow. E is at work until at least noon, so it really hinders things. TSS is "working" today (whatever that means) and isn't getting them until 1700hrs. I feel like an unpaid baby sitter right now. They are here to see him and he is at work and she has f***** off out somewhere and I am stuck here and cannot do f*** all. If I find out she didn't work today, there is going to be bloodshed.

Thanksgiving is almost upon us. I plan to make cranberry sauce from scratch, some kind of dressing/stuffing I haven't decided upon yet, pumpkin pie, smished roast potatoes with thyme and some kind of veggie deal. E is in charge of the turkey. I have also ordered a key lime pie from the club as an extra treat. (E loves lime stuff!) I will be very upset if the kids kick off about not liking stuff and throwing tantrums on TG. I really don't need that, on that day most of all.

I need to figure out my recipes and write my list for grocery shopping. Bye y'all.


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