Monday, November 14, 2005

Bit the bullet

Well I finally bit that bullet and made the peace with my MIL. There were tears and apologies flowing and we cleared the air somewhat. We all went out to eat at Chili's afterwards and breathed a sigh of relief coming home.

If it hadn't have been for the constant fighting between E and I, I simply wouldn't have bothered. It's gotten to the point where I just wanted to call it quits to get away from the stress of it all. *sigh*

Oh well, it's done now I guess.

I managed to get some scrapbooking done yesterday. Just two pages, but I needed to get something crafty done! I was in one of those moods.

Watched Meet the Fockers last night (again) and laughed hard (which I really needed to). I couldn't sleep even with it finishing at midnight. I lay there for a good hour afterwards trying to get to sleep and it just wasn't happening.

E got up at 0545 for work and I got up, or should I say OUT of bed at 0645 when he and C left. Ran a couple of errands, did my book-keeping and am now blogging! ;-)


Blogger LDR said...

Sometimes it's better to bury the hatchet and move on than to hold your ground and make yourself miserable. I'm sorry the MIL is difficult, but hopefully she'll be bearable for the holidays eh?

Thanks for the toes advice... sorry to hear about your old man feet guy... that's just sad :(

14 November, 2005 22:14  

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