Friday, November 11, 2005

Mixed emotions

Well today has been rather sad, interesting, boring, and any other emotion you care to add to the mix!

Remember the old guy I did the pedicure for a few weeks ok? Nice guy, used to walk with a frame with colored tennis balls in the ends as stoppers. Would always pop his head round the door to say hi or "Go Frogs!" and ask me how I was doing. He was due to have back surgery to help with his walking. They told him to come off his blood thinners as it would be dangerous to operate on him otherwise. I saw him on Wednesday in the afternoon. He died in his sleep that night. Mr Pierson, rest in peace. *sniff* One of D's clients died last night too. Rest in peace Mr Shannon. That has to be the worst part about where I work: most of the clients are elderly.

Club was so quiet today. Everyone had cancelled their haircuts and re-scheduled because of Veterans' Day. I did see "Hogan" and two of his siblings today though, so that was kinda nice.

CSI and ER were good this week (watched them on Tivo tonight). CSI is a two parter. Oo-er Mrs!

Anyhoo, I am pooped. Nite nite readers, nite nite! ;-)


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