Saturday, November 05, 2005

Kid Free Fun

C went to her sleepover last night and we headed off to Chili's for dinner out alone. I had the garlic shrimp alredo which was very nice. E had the steak fajitas. Oh and we had an awesome blossom to start things off!

I modeled some new lingerie for him when we got home and it didn't stay on for long. Enough said.

We were both awake at about 0430 and decided we couldn't sleep anymore and would get up. Well we both drifted back to sleep and awoke again at 0730. By 0800, we were at IHOP ordering breakfast!

We then mooched over to Garden Ridge to check out the Christmas Decorations on sale. I got two cute pottery mini loaf tins with gingerbread men painted on the side. They were 89ยข each. I then bought a cute tree made out of "gingerbread" with a ginger couple standing in front of it. That was $3.59 and is currently standing on my mantelpiece above the fireplace! I then bought a glass counter top saver with blueberries and blue stuff on it. I'm trying to plan ahead for my new house's kitchen! LOL

Best Buy was next. We mooched round looking at all the goodies in there; fell in love with a cellphone we'd both like to have and ended up buying Star Wars 3 on DVD.

Fry's was next. Just as well we did as E's present I wa going to get him was more in there than I thought it was, so it looks like Ebay has won that battle (again).

Then we went off to get the munchkin at her sleepover. She had a great time and actually didn't make too much of a pest of herself (unlike at her own one in August).

Got some groceries at Walmart and am baking as I type. I decided to try Em's Mac n Cheese. It smells pretty good.

Tomorrow, I plan to make Paula Deen's Pumpkin Gingerbread Trifle. It takes a while to set properly in the fridge (9hrs) so we will have that on Monday after these yummy (mozzarella stuffed) Spaghetti & Meatballs. I don't know what's with all the baking, but I have really been in the mood to cook some new stuff up. It's probably all the programs we watch at work on the Food Network! ;-)

We're doing a Star Wars marathon tomorrow. We are planning on watching all six episodes! Woo hoo!! Popcorn at the ready!

Okay, I am going to put some veggies on to cook. Catch ya later alligator! :-)


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