Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Shot wound

I have felt soooo rough today. I'm not sure what is hitting me worse - Aunt Flo coming to visit or the flu shot I had yesterday. I had a headache from hell threatening to turn migraine on me if I didn't feed it loads of drugs, the shivers all day despite it being 78F outside, tummy cramps, runny nose , feeling tired , achy joints and especially achy shot site and generally feeling like something brown and sticky (no, not a stick you halfwit! SHIT) *sigh*

One client today. Mr W phoned in sick - he also had his flu shot AND a pneumonia shot on top of that for added measure. He'll be in tomorrow, but will I? Yeah. Me not one to let anyone down even if I do feel like shit on a stick. Hopefully after a half decent's night sleep, I will feel a little better. Nanite.


Blogger LDR said...

I've heard from so many people who've gotten their flu shot & felt like shit afterwards... I may not even get one. I mean, c'mon, what's the worst that can happen? I get the friggin flu. Since I don't have any health insurance it's not like I can do anything about it anyway. I think I'll take my chances rather than do the shot in the arm and be sick over that. I didn't get one last year... or the year before or the year before... as a matter of fact, the only year I did get a flu shot I got the damn flu - AND HOW! I hope you feel better soon! An it's too bad you're way down south... my pedi-gal left and now I'm without a toe-guru. (sigh) I guess I'll have to do it myself.

03 November, 2005 10:53  

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