Monday, November 07, 2005

Does Mother Nature realise it's November?

It's currently 86F here right now. Yes, EIGHTY SIX! Has anyone told Mother Nature it's November here? Crazy!

Yesterday, we only ended up watching three episodes of Star Wars. Even then, it was around 7hrs worth! We will do the rest of them next weekend!

We also watched 8 episodes of Coronation Street and 2 of Eastenders! We have still got a way to go before we get all caught up! *sigh*

Today I got C's Christmas present put away on Lay Away at Walmart. We have until Dec 14 to go pay for it and get it. I am so excited about it, I want to burst! We're getting her a 13" TV/DVD combination for her bedroom. When we finally move into the new house, we will put in cable for her too!

I have ordered E's birthday present today also. Hopefully that will be here by the end of the week and I have something lined up for his Christmas pressie also. This is the most organized I have been with gifts for ages LOL

I had a sunbed today and I am not sure that I like the cream I have been using. It gives a horrid "tanbed stench" after a couple of hours or so. I am so glad I didn't have to pay for it, or I would be pissed! I guess seeing as it is free, I should just use it up until I have some spare cash to buy some more. Unfortunately, that's not an option for now as my cash is all mapped out right up to the end of December! *sigh* Oh well.

I HAD planned to do some scrapbooking today, but the time has slipped away from me and I have to start dinner soon. Mozzarella stuffed meatballs tonight guys! Woo hoo!


Blogger LDR said...

ok, so I know it's not a blog-comment really... but what do I do for *really* cracked callused feets? Is there something I can soak in & then what kind of cream? I'm cracking up... and it's just icky. Icky I tell ya. Please e-mail & let me know (there's a link from my blog)

09 November, 2005 15:08  

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