Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Where we rank

It would appear we don't rank too highly. You may be wondering WTF I am talking's like this:

E was always an inconvenience to his parents whilst growing up. It was like they were BURDENED with a child, certainly not believable that he was actually PLANNED for! I always wonder if really after they had him, they just resented him for his existence and were jealous of his every move (still are as a matter of fact). It's sad as he is their only child, yet they treat him and everyone around him like absolute sh*t.

His birthday: it falls just on or shortly after Thanksgiving and I have YET to see them want to go out with him to celebrate it! The first year we were together, of course was not possible because he was overseas. The next year, he didn't even get a card and she went out to the Bass Hall with her beloved friends. Last year, they did the same thing. They basically flipped their own son's birthday off to be with their friends.

C's birthday: the first year, again, we were overseas. So, it was promised, that when we finally made it over there, they would hold a big party for her and give her a present then. The MIL was also going to lease a horse for her to go riding. Well I am sure you can guess that nothing more was ever mentioned about ANY of it! All talk!

The next year, she did get a present and a card, but not dinner out or anything like that. You're not seriously thinking we rank up there with her precious church circle of friends are you?! DON'T be stupid! THEY get to have THEIR birthdays celebrated EVERY year with a meal out, a cake and presents!

Last year, she got a card and gift certificate (she couldn't be arsed to put some thought into it) in the mail, but again, no meal.

My birthday: year one was a check and card in the mail as we were overseas. The next year NOTHING as she was still on a pouting session over the Mothers' Day fiasco. And THIS year: we wrote and suggested that as they were away in Tulsa for the weekend prior to my b'day, we should meet up the weekend afterwards for dinner. The kids would be over and we could all go out together and make it something special. Then they could come back and see the new house and all our new furniture and stuff. (Bare in mind that they haven't been over yet as we wanted to wait until we had got the new couch, grill and dining room set first). Knowing how pushy they are, we thought they would have jumped at the chance to come for a visit. But ohhhhh noooooo: "Mr Florida" (as I will nickname him here), is having his 50th birthday and they are going to his surprise party instead and had JUST RSVP'd when E's email arrived. Who is Mr Florida? A FRIEND. He's not FAMILY (that she stresses we know NOTHING about), he is just a FRIEND. And not even a close friend that they would go out to dinner or church with either. He is a work colleague and neighbor (if you count living three streets away a neighbor).

So, we rank w-a-y down there *points to floor* when it comes to birthdays and any other kind of celebrations to be had. I guess I know EXACTLY where I stand from here on in. Any bridges we were building after the fall out of last Mothers' Day are having gasoline poured all over them right now, and she is waving a lighted match in front of them as we speak!

But you know what p*sses me off the most about this? She wrote to E and said "I do not want to let T's birthday to pass without recognizing it with you and her." WHY say that sh*t if you have no f*cking intention of EVER doing anything about it?! Let's face it, she really couldn't give two craps about my birthday, she just said what she said to make herself look good to E and to feel better as the wonderful "Christian" that she thinks she is!!

Ok, I am out of here. Grrrrrrr.


Blogger LDR said...

First, I have to say sorry for not catching up sooner. None of my favorites are on the laptop and I've been traveling a bit lately....

Glad to hear that you've got furniture and are making new friends and settling into your new home. Yay! We love new stuff!

Lily is precious! I love her already, but then I've also been glomming on my new neighbor's "annie" - who is now 8 weeks old and full of puppy breath and cute as a button -- and thankfully NOT MINE!

As for the MIL thing, send her one of the cheapie grocery store cards and sign only your name. It's like an effort only not. No sense in burning the bridge when you can build it out of toothpicks and get credit for making an "effort" - you know? She's E's mom, and regardless of her actions towards him and you... you need to keep her at bay by being civil... regardless of if he gives two shits about it or not. Be the bigger person, torture her with indifference. But, keep up with the invites and acknowledgements at a minimum.

As for your birthday, another year older I think not. Maybe another year more valuable?! It's not til next week anyhow... maybe I'll get off my fat rump and mail you those angels huh?! Oh, yeah, that'd mean I'd have to make them! LOL!

Keep your chin up, life is going in the right direction... and summer's just around the corner!

11 May, 2006 21:02  
Blogger DenimRose said...

Howdy stranger!! :-))

I understand hun, time escapes us both I think. It's just good to see you when you can pop in. I ain't going anywhere...

If I could bottle puppy breath, I am sure I could make a fortune. You'd get to breathe it all in without the mess! ;-)

I like that "another year valuable". It sounds kind of cool. If I didn't suck at finding a job, then maybe I might even feel valuable! LOL

Woo hoo @ angels!!

Have a great weekend Kel. Love to Nel x

12 May, 2006 07:21  

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