Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Getting caught up

Well, quite a bit has happened since I last blogged. Some of it good, some of it not so good. I have been fighting with E over stupid stuff and it has been getting us both down. He has been really pushing for me to get a job and after another let down with a job interview, I am starting to feel like a total failure. We have come to an agreement over money and stuff and are hoping we can both stick to it. I can't stand the fighting anymore.

It looks like we will be on our own for Mothers' Day again this year as my wonderful MIL has decided she would rather it just went away, and so she IS going away - to OK. *shakes head*. They bitch and moan when we don't make an effort, and when we do, they just bugger off up to OK. Oh well. She will just get a card in the mail then. *sigh*

My doggy door and crate arrived last week, and the builder is coming tomorrow to cut a hole in the wall and box it all in. Poor Lily will need some brute strength to get up there and open it at first. I was thinking about putting some bricks down like steps for her, and I may have to open the door for her until she gets a bit bigger. Oh the joy! :-))>br>
The breeder has sent me some more photos, so I thought I would share them with you now:

She is 16days old here and has just opened her eyes.

Here she is trying to wander off.

Look at her back left paw! She's going to have a couple of white toes! Bless!.

Well, the hotel room is booked for May 26 and we get her on the afternoon of May 27 and bring her home with us! I can hardly wait and am counting down the days!

Our new couch and chair arrived today for the den and you can see how those look by clicking the link on the right for the house progress.

I made a really nice new friend who scrapbooks! It's one of C's friend's moms. The downside is that they are moving on May 22 to Baltimore, and we may never see them again! *sniff* It's a real shame because R & C have become really good friends, and T and I had such a good day out at the craft and scrapbook stores on Saturday: we laughed and laughed. We are so much alike it's scary! Hopefully, we can stay in touch by email and phone, but it's not the same as having them living right around the corner. *sigh*

The air show is on this Saturday at Carswell which looks a lot of fun. C will be going to R's birthday ice skating party over in Arlington, so won't be able to make it, but E and I intend on going.

Mothers' Day should be pretty much non-eventful hopefully, and a quiet lunch out with hubby and C will work well. Then next week....dun-dun-d-u-n....I turn another year ancient (I mean older). So if you want to send choccies, flowers, or any other type of present, then please do! LMAO. Nah, I'm only kidding, Just a comment would work right now! ;-) Yep, next Weds, May 17 I turn 37 *sniffle* (PLEASE say I don't look it, even if ya don't mean it! LOL).

Anyhoo, I am going to go and sit my fat butt on the new couch and test it out. Bye for now.


Blogger Mo said...

WOw, I just love the living room set up. Fantastic job!

Oh, and the pup is pretty cute too. ;o)

09 May, 2006 13:16  
Blogger DenimRose said...

Thanks hun. It was worth the wait! Just need to get the tables figured out now and some nice piccies on the walls. Kirklands and Garden Ridge here we come! Weeee.

09 May, 2006 13:36  

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