Monday, April 17, 2006

Miss me?

Ok gang, I am back! What a palava we have had this end! *sighs and rolls eyes*

First off our wonderful DSL arrived; only thing was, it wasn't as wonderful as it was cracked up to be and we were getting pathetic dial up speeds instead of the wonderful HIGH speed DSL we hade been promised. SBC/AT&T came out three times in total until it was finally fixed on Friday. They have dedicated the DSL line to one phone jack only so there is no drop in the feed and we ended up having a bad modem (which sucks as it was brand new from them in the first place). *groan*

Then my stinky PC threw a hissy fit and needed to be reformatted. Oh yeah, fun n games here!

I have lost 6lbs in the three weeks since using the Gazelle and have lost 2.5" off my waist. Woo hooo!!

It's hit 100F here (according to my desktop weather channel thingy). They predicted 98F on the news this morning and that was going to be a record breaker, so I think we can safely say we are beyond that!

We have got our new bedroom furniture and a new dining room table with 6 chairs. I will try to get some piccies done this week and post them on the house pages for you to have a peek at!

I should really go and do some blog hopping and catch up with a few people....


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